Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

General Discussion => General Discussion => The Dark Side of Entertainment; The Music Industry, Hollywood & Mind Control => Topic started by: badkolo on December 26, 2009, 05:47:46 PM

Title: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: badkolo on December 26, 2009, 05:47:46 PM

http://www.konformist.com/flicks/eyeswideshut.htm An Interpretation of Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut
Adam Gorightly

In Stanley Kubrick's final film, Eyes Wide Shut, are numerous veiled allusions to the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control experiments and Monarch sex slave programming, subjects which readers of The Konformist should be well familiar. According to believed victims of Monarch abuse, their ranks number literally in thousands, and it has been alleged that these very same victims have been used extensively as sex slaves, drug mules and assassins. According to varied sources, Monarch programming begins immediately at birth, and is carried out through the lives of its victims, as they are used by intelligence agencies and secret societies like mere pawns on a gameboard, until--in many instances--they have outlived their usefulness, and are terminally "discarded". While this author does not buy lock, stock and barrel all of the sordid tales associated with Monarch abuse, I nonetheless suspect that it does actually exist in many cases, regardless of all the disinformation that exists in mind control lore obscuring the true reality of the situation. Like all weighty subjects--conspiratorial or otherwise--one must separate the wheat from chaff, which is not an easy proposition, to say the least. According to Per Sewen of Illuminati News, he viewed Eyes Wide Shut with a woman who had been "subjected to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) by the Illuminati and she found it very, very accurate. None of us had any idea what the movie was about, so it was a shock for both of us, especially as these kinds of movies can be very triggering for victims of SRA. And it was. This girl didn't feel well afterwards..."

Associating the "Bavarian Illuminati" --as it was originally identified--with the ominous spectre of mind control is another sticky area, as the presumed current day existence of this secret order is not an easy thing to document, although fringe Christians and right wing extremists would have us believe that The Illuminati has been behind nearly every crucial development in the history of mankind over past few hundred years; from the French and American Revolutions to the forthcoming New World Order/One World Government takeover, not to mention the Kennedy Assassination and water fluoridation. In response, I would not totally dispute this proposition, nor do I wholeheartedly endorse it, preferring instead to straddle the fence between shadow and light, at the crossroads where facts and fancy meet. It is at this meeting point where we are briefly allowed a glimpse of the truth, while at the same time the edges of the picture blur, leaving us once again in a quandary. (Or a Philip K. Dick novel...)

According to certain legends, The Illuminati was purged in 1785 by the Bavarian Government on the grounds that it had attempted to overthrow the ruling class of Europe. Other legends suggest that The Illuminati were merely driven underground at this juncture, all the while continuing their multifarious activities under a maze of guises--including such current incarnations as the Bilderbergers, The United Nations and the Council of Foreign Relations--and exist unto this day as the Ultimate Octopus actually pulling the levers behind the scenes of world events, albeit hidden behind a cloak of subterfuge and secrecy. Other researchers contend that the Illuminati is simply a subdivision of Freemasonry, this due to the fact that the original Order of the Illuminati was formed within Masonic Lodges in Germany, by one Adam Weishaupt in 1776. According to noted Guerilla Ontologist, Robert Anton Wilson, who has spent many years attempting to unravel this mystery: "Since Masonry itself is a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside a mystery, so to say." Arcane history lesson aside, I will henceforth use the term "Illuminati" rather liberally throughout this tract, as an easy catchall which captures under its umbrella a wide-ranging hierarchy of hidden powers; a combination of intelligence agencies and secret societies creating an Orwellian nightmare under the guise of a New World Utopia. Bear in mind that the dreaded Illuminati are never once so-named in Eyes Wide Shut. Since this is "an interpretation", I have freely chosen to exercise my poetic license, using "Illuminati" as a simple literary device, although nothing is ever quite as simple as we would like it to be. Once again, we're speaking here of the shadow realms, like those hinted at in Eyes Wide Shut, where nothing is ever for certain, nor can anything be taken for granted.

Early on in Eyes Wide Shut --while at a lavish party hosted by a rich bigwig named Ziegler (played by Sydney Pollack)--star Tom Cruise's character, Dr. Bill, is seduced by two beautiful "models" who take him by either arm, leading him toward an apparent menage a trois. When Dr. Bill asks where exactly they're taking him, the two lovelies reply: "Where the rainbow ends." When taken into context with what transpires later on in Eyes Wide Shut, this snatch of dialog appears to be an allusion to Monarch programming, as The Wizard of Oz has been long acknowledged by Monarch insiders as a common programming matrix, which uses Wizard of Oz themes and imagery as a tool to program minds. (It has been rumored that Judy Garland herself was the subject of just this sort of Monarch-styled mind control.) Later, Dr. Bill rents a cloak and mask from "Rainbow Costumes", which just happens to be located above another shop called "Under The Rainbow". In the first scene at the costume shop, the owner catches his underage daughter in a state of undress with two apparent drag queens, and understandably becomes quite upset. In a later scene, the shop owner does an about-face and appears not only to be pimping out his nubile daughter to these very same drag queens, but tries to interest Dr. Bill in her pert young bod, as well. This is all very telling, as most Wizard of Oz programming I've heard about allegedly deals with the programming of boys and girl--at a very early age--in their roles as Monarch slaves, through sexual molestation and other related trauma such as SRA, as part of pact between the parents of the abused children and their Monarch "handlers". (In many instances--it has been alleged--the parent will also perform the role of "handler". The "handler, in essence, is the "programmer", as well as a sort of go-between with the higher ups in the Monarch organization.) Whatever the case, something drastically "transformed" the costume shop owner's way of thinking, between the first and the second scenes, in a space of less than 24 hours. The inference here is that the Illuminati-styled cult that Dr. Bill stumbles upon is somehow responsible for this "trance-formation" of father to pimp and daughter to prostitute. This is part of the symbolism of Monarch, one of transformation, of caterpillar into butterfly; free-will into mental slavery. The term Monarch is deceptive in this sense, due to its identification with the Monarch butterfly, a creature of transformational beauty. This appears to be part of the deception of this programming; to delude its victims into believing they've been transformed into something magical, and full of wonder. Follow the yellow brick road. Although the "trance-formation" of the shop owner's daughter seems unrelated to later events that occur in the film, somehow these two seemingly anecdotal characters--the shop owner and daughter--have been affected by Dr. Bill's Illuminati-sex-ritual experience. The implication here is that anyone who comes within the span of Dr. Bill is, by association, caught up in a similar web of intrigue, often resulting in dire consequences.

Another MK-ULTRA/Monarch allusion is the reference to the "models" who seduce Dr. Bill at Ziegler's party, which I associate with what is known in the annals of MK-ULTRA as "Presidential models". "Presidential models" were/are allegedly used by big time entertainers and politicians as sexual playthings; mind controlled puppets programmed to perform assorted perverse acts at the bidding of their manipulative "handlers". Supposedly Marilyn Monroe was the first Monarch sex slave who achieved "celebrity" status. For those unfamiliar with the term "Presidential model", I'll refer them to The Control of Candy Jones by Donald Bain and Long John Nebel. As the story goes, Long John Nebel--a New York radio personality in the 50's-70's--discovered via hypnosis that his wife, Candy Jones, was a victim of just this sort of mind control project, one of the many MK-ULTRA mind slaves, programmed by CIA "spychiatrists" and used by high mucky muck dignitaries to perform their perverse sexual whims, among other assorted duties such as being used as drug mules and message couriers for this vast network of morally deficient power brokers. More has come to light in this regard in recent years by way of similar allegations disbursed widely across the Internet, as well as such highly controversial books as Trance Formation In America by Mark Phillips and Kathy O'Brien, wherein Ms. O'Brien relates her own troubling tales of MK-ULTRA and Monarch abuse. Once again, the tricky part is trying to untangle this web of fact vs. fiction, for a great measure of the Monarch mythos is the obvious result of contaminated stories, planted as a means of discrediting the truth, or simply due to pure delusion on the part of the believed victims For example: the current trend of shape-shifting Reptilian extraterrestrials who have entered into the mind control lexicon of late, such as one purported Monarch victim has described ex-President George Bush, among a group of other world leaders, who double as alien lizards and smack-shooting Satanists. As the late Jim Keith noted in his final book, Mass Control: "By injecting outlandish details into these stories, by linking intelligence agency mind control with extraterrestrial aliens and such, a pallor of doubt is cast upon real cases of abuse. This is the activity of 'scrambling' that Katherine Sullivan and others talk about. It is also true that traumatic abuse and conditioning confuses and disorients the victim, causing cross-referencing of mental information, and potentially adding to the nightmarish quality of many reports of this sort..."

Before the two "models" are able to lead Dr. Bill on a journey to "Where the rainbow ends", he is called to the aid of his host, Mr. Ziegler, who is upstairs, trying to revive a naked beauty O.D.-ing in his bathroom. Dr. Bill helps Ziegler revive the sultry junkie from her self-induced speedball funk. As fickle fate would have it, this naked beauty later resurfaces in the film as Dr. Bill's savoir, and is--in my estimation--another of the many Monarch sex slaves who appear throughout the story. From there the film progresses into the previously alluded meeting of a secret order akin to the Illuminati, of which Dr. Bill inadvertently gains knowledge of, and sneaks into, undercover of mask and cloak--as all the other participants are likewise bedecked--in what he soon realizes is some sort Satanic/Freemasonic sex magick rite featuring a whole host of naked hotties engaged in steamy sex scenes right out of an Aleister Crowley freak-out. When it's discovered by this Illuminati-like group that they have a spy in their fold in the form of Dr. Bill, Cruise's character is taken before the High Priest and his mask ceremoniously removed. Just when it looks like curtains for Dr. Bill, a well-proportioned lady--adorned only in mask and high-heeled shoes--steps before the assembly and offers herself up in sacrifice in exchange for Dr. Bill's life. As it turns out, this is the same woman, Mandy, that Dr. Bill rescued earlier from overdose. (Drug addiction is a common modus operandi in the control of Monarch sex slaves.) Long story short, Mandy is apparently sacrificed, although the next day newspaper reports characterize her passing as an apparent O.D. The deeper meaning here is that all Monarch sex slaves are expendable if they cross the line, and many of these victims reportedly have been "discarded" in just such a manner after they become a certain age and are no longer desirable as prostitute/sex slaves, or if they in someway break free of their programming and are considered a "risk".

During his dark night of the soul, Dr. Bill travels through the seamy underworld of his disturbed psyche, searching for sexual release, haunted by some insatiable hunger driving him toward unknown ends, along the way encountering a woman he hardly knows, who swears she's madly in love with him. Add to this collection an HIV positive prostitute, as well as the daughter of the aforementioned costume shop owner--who's apparently being pimped out by papa--and what we have is a trinity of lost souls, caught up in the grinding wheels of a powerful machine that eats people up, then spits them out in tiny, fragmented pieces. Monarch programming would explain the actions of all three: the irrational love of the woman Dr. Bill hardly knows is characteristic of a mind controlled slave programmed to love someone without truly understanding the reasons why; likewise the prostituted daughter, a common thread of Monarch programming where parents sell their children into sexual bondage and generational molestation as part of a deal made with the "Illuminati". And lastly, the common prostitute, there to do the bidding of the men who manipulate her by way of either money, drugs or violence. All of these woman could easily be Monarch victims, and even if they aren't, each is a prisoner of a system of control prevalent in our society; a system which exists on many levels, and in all strata of society, both seen and unseen. Eyes Wide Shut is a glimpse into these dark, shadow realms.

Many people unfamiliar with the subtleties of mind control will be utterly perplexed with the allegorical symbolism in Eyes Wide Shut. The characters, for the most part, appear either as detached spectators (i.e. hypnotized subjects) or obsessed sex fiends forever in search of a carnal fix. Unlike other Kubrick films--where the characters, in most cases, are more well-developed, complex characterizations--those in Eyes Wide Shut seem mere cardboard cutouts, which I think is the desired effect that Kubrick was striving for. Victims of mind control are just these sorts of automatons, stumbling through life blind to the true significance of their actions, lost in the fog of their work-a-day world, mere stringed puppets who believe they control their own destinies. The reason there appears to be no true depth to the characters in Eyes Wide Shut is that their inner depth has been buried beneath layers of mind control. What I believe Kubrick was hinting at, in Eyes Wide Shut, is that we are all mind controlled in one sense or another, sleep walking through our lives with "eyes wide shut"; "Manchurian Candidates" who kill without understanding the true motivations behind their acts. Even Nichole Kidman's character, Alice, who appears to be complicated, and seemingly multifaceted--a lady of many moods--is in reality a simple caricature who wears many involuntary masks, shedding one for no apparent rhyme or reason, and then donning another for equally vague motivations, unknown even to herself. Each mask is merely a new and different role; each mask an alter ego, with no true relation to the core personality. Ala Gurdjieff, she is a mere meat machine, sleep-walking through her life.

The choice of Cruise and Kidman in these roles is, to say the least, curious. Their emotional depth as actors--throughout their respective careers--has always appeared lacking, in my opinion. I sincerely doubt that either of them were actually perceptive enough to grasp what Kubrick was getting at with this film, which is perhaps just the sort of emotional content--or lack thereof--that the director was looking for from his characters. Eyes wide shut. This emotional complacency, for want of a better term, seems to go hand in hand with the duos involvement in Scientology, in whose members I have always perceived a certain lack of self-awareness. Call it brainwashing, or whatever you wish, this is simply on visceral observation on my part, and should not be construed as a total condemnation of Scientology. In all fairness, the Church of Scientology has long been outspoken about the abuses of MK-ULTRA, as documented often in the pages of their magazine Freedom, not to mention L. Ron Hubbard himself, who during his later years was a quite vocal critic of the CIA, and their involvement in MK-ULTRA shenanigans.

For those unfamiliar with the subtle spectre of secret societies and their peculiar practices, there will be obvious confusion as to why Dr. Bill immediately becomes a marked man just because he happened upon some seemingly harmless kinky scene with a bunch of guys and gals wearing masks, chanting meaningless mumbo-jumbo and humping one another like a pack of dogs in heat; a provocative spectacle, indeed, but certainly not enough to mark a man for death, one would presume. Well, the deeper implication here is that Dr. Bill has become not only an unwitting witness to a sex orgy of Hell Fire Club-like proportions, but more importantly, a witness to Monarch sex programming, and ostensibly a potential threat to National Security if he were to reveal these dire, dreaded secrets, that even he himself doesn't quite know what to make of.

After his close call with these evil Illuminati-type characters, the plot thickens ever more as Dr. Bill is pursued by his own inner sexual demons--through one sordid scene after another--finally discovering that his wife, Alice, has had a "dream" where she was a participant in a similar Illuminati-styled sex orgy. These memories come to Alice during a "dream", which in reality appears to be a repressed memory; a "dream" featuring a "Naval Officer" with a penetrating stare, that Alice once saw while on vacation years earlier; a "Naval Officer" who seemingly hypnotized her for a brief instant, as they passed each other in a hotel lobby one day, and since then she had been haunted by the memory of his penetrating stare, so much so that she can't get it out of her mind. Anyway, it is this "Naval Officer" who enters Alice's dream like some sort of MK-Incubus, and--after having his way with her--initiates Alice into this aforementioned Illuminati-type sex orgy-nightmare, where she gives herself up to all takers, albeit within a supposed "dream-state". Here, once again, the student of Monarch lore must exercise their poetic license, connecting the dots and placing into context this veiled allusion to the mysterious "Naval Officer" who "possessed" Alice's thoughts--in both the sleeping and waking worlds--and from there draw a parallel between the "Naval Officer" to Naval Intelligence, a branch of the Armed Forces that has long been an active participant in MK-ULTRA operations. The Naval Officer in this instance is merely symbolic of a larger hierarchy of mass mind control. On another note, a branch of Scientology--known as "Sea-Orgs"--uses naval-type uniforms in their organization, which is another chilling parallel when taken into context with Cruise and Kidman's involvement in the church. Perhaps I'm way off course here, but I feel this "coincidence" bears mentioning.

At the end of Eyes Wide Shut --as the credits rolled by--my central thought was: "Who the hell wrote this?" I don't recall the author's name now, but the credits said the screenplay was based on a book called Trauma-ville, which I indeed found to be a troubling title, as the main tool used in MK-ULTRA/Monarch mind control is what is known as "trauma based programming". According to alleged victims of this type of abuse, various types of trauma--both physical and psychological--are used to create disassociated states known as "alters", or multiple personalities. Alters are a way of splitting off the victim from their core personality, and as a means of self-defense the victims themselves use to escape from the induced trauma, by adopting another personality, or "alter"-ego who is completely unaware of the trauma experienced by the core personality. It is a psychological means of putting on a mask to hide from the awful truth of this type of abuse, and at the same time a calculated result of "trauma based programming". This explains the significance of the masks that are used in the film during the big sex orgy scene, as the Monarch victims have switched to their sex slave personalities, adopting one of their many programmed "alters". Through "trauma based programming" a whole host of alters can be purportedly created and induced; alters unknown to the core personality, such as the aforementioned sex slave personality, or "Manchurian Candidate"-type assassins like a Sirhan Sirhan, who commit murder while in an "alter"-ed state of mind, and then afterwards possess no memory of the actual event which has transpired.

Likewise, Eyes Wide Shut is a curious title for this film, for what it suggests is that information is being processed, while simultaneously the conscious mind is deep asleep, totally unaware, subliminally filing this information into the subconscious where it can be used later by the "handlers" of these mind controlled victims. This is similar to what Conspiratologist Michael Anthony Hoffman II calls the "Revelation of the Method" and "The Making Manifest Of All That Is Hidden", which is the subtle processing of humankind using these insidious tools of trance-formation, whether done individually or on a wide-scale level through television, mass media, and the movies. It is for this reason--some have hinted--that Kubrick met his fate just prior to the completion of Eyes Wide Shut: for ostensibly spilling the beans of what goes on behind the scenes in regards to secret societies and intelligence agencies who use mind control to program the masses. In this context, Kubrick may have been playing a part in ushering in the New World Order of The Illuminati, but to his own misfortune revealed "too much, too soon", thus a possible reason for his sudden passing. In Hoffman's Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, he states that "...the Revelation of the Method has as its chief component, a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim(s) as a show of power and macabre arrogance. When this is performed in a veiled manner accompanied by certain occult sign and symbolical words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape..."

One of the most memorable scenes from Eyes Wide Shut is when Cruise and Kidman are embracing in front of a mirror, a prelude to sex. According to Monarch researchers, Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier: "...in programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave's mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind. Because Marilyn (Monroe) was so stripped of any personal identity, she decorated her house as her mind looked on the inside--full of mirrors. Although other Monarchs may have some desires to decorate with mirrors, Marilyn is the most extreme case I know of filling one's house full of mirrors..."

In this mirror scene--as Dr. Bill and Alice are engaged in an erotic embrace--Alice twice gazes into the mirror, and her reflection could be interpreted as an expression of either guilt or confusion. In Monarch programming, mirrors have been reportedly employed as a means of triggering alters and causing disassociation, which is my interpretation of this scene: Alice is engaged in what is known in Monarch programming as "switching." The supposition of Alice as mind control victim explains much of what unfolds throughout the course of the film, as her character is one possessing a great many contradictions, and inexplicable moods. At Ziegler's party--while dancing with a rich foreign aristocrat--Alice adopts the persona of an intoxicated, flighty airhead. At other times throughout the film she is smart and sophisticated, then alternately cold and cruel; at other times a caring mother, and a devoted wife. After a few hits off a joint, Alice goes on a tirade where she's becomes both jealous and judgmental of her husband, initiating a heated argument. It is telling that after a toke or two of the killer weed, Alice's mood shifts so precipitously, as drugs are another well-established tool used in Monarch programming for triggering "alters". What I'm suggesting here is that Alice is just that, a victim of Monarch programming. When--toward the end of the film--Dr. Bill's missing mask is discovered upon a pillow next to his sleeping wife, a message has been delivered, clear and simple, that the same Illuminati mind controllers hounding Dr. Bill, have all along had access to his wife, even while she sleeps, deep in the shadowy recesses of her unconscious mind. Whether their eyes are wide open or shut, there can be no escape.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 26, 2009, 06:03:23 PM
i am not nearly done and i see a connection with the illuminati and water flouridation :shock:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: badkolo on December 26, 2009, 06:03:57 PM
also a cia and judy garland connection, everyone needs to read this
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 26, 2009, 06:25:17 PM
ok so this is the craziest sh!t i have read all day and this is the first thread i came to also

so earlier today im watching clips on mj,and beyonce and the illuminati stuff and here are some things they mentioned and connections with this article

one clip said joe used mk-ultra techniques on mike...this article mentions this

the same person said mike had a room full of mirrors...this article mentions marilyn did also and

the same person mentions mike looked up to the alistor guy...he is mentioned

the beyonce clip talks about how she became a sex slave and went from beyonce to sasha fierce...this article says that they were mask because that is not them but the sex slave..which is basicly the same type of thing

another clip said that mjs beat it was about group masturbation...this article speaks on orgys

my mind is going 1000s times fast right now but i dont think all of this is conincidences and i really need to gather my thoughts
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: badkolo on December 26, 2009, 06:37:12 PM
Yes something absolutely crazy has been going on and after reading this article and watching the movie zeitgest im just stunned.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 26, 2009, 06:39:04 PM
Quote from: "badkolo"
Yes something absolutely crazy has been going on and after reading this article and watching the movie zeitgest im just stunned.
this also makes me think about on oprah when he said he didnt even know he was touching himself that much until he saw it :| now im starting to think he really didnt know
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: virgo75 on December 26, 2009, 06:55:13 PM
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "badkolo"
Yes something absolutely crazy has been going on and after reading this article and watching the movie zeitgest im just stunned.
this also makes me think about on oprah when he said he didnt even know he was touching himself that much until he saw it :| now im starting to think he really didnt know

Not sure if it's the same part you're talking about, but there was a part in the Oprah interview where he says that he's a "SLAVE" to the music and an alarm goes off disrupting the interview.

Mike just sits there looking nonchalant like it happens all the time.   :lol:
Oprah is panicking and asking what that alarm is????   :lol:
The peaceful, innocent look on his face is priceless!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Ninanina on December 26, 2009, 06:57:07 PM
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "badkolo"
Yes something absolutely crazy has been going on and after reading this article and watching the movie zeitgest im just stunned.
this also makes me think about on oprah when he said he didnt even know he was touching himself that much until he saw it :| now im starting to think he really didnt know

Hm? What was that about?
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 26, 2009, 07:04:58 PM
Quote from: "virgo75"
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "badkolo"
Yes something absolutely crazy has been going on and after reading this article and watching the movie zeitgest im just stunned.
this also makes me think about on oprah when he said he didnt even know he was touching himself that much until he saw it :| now im starting to think he really didnt know

Not sure if it's the same part you're talking about, but there was a part in the Oprah interview where he says that he's a "SLAVE" to the music and an alarm goes off disrupting the interview.

Mike just sits there looking nonchalant like it happens all the time.   :lol:
Oprah is panicking and asking what that alarm is????   :lol:
The peaceful, innocent look on his face is priceless!

yes you are right!!! i didnt even think about that part
Quote from: "Ninanina"
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "badkolo"
Yes something absolutely crazy has been going on and after reading this article and watching the movie zeitgest im just stunned.
this also makes me think about on oprah when he said he didnt even know he was touching himself that much until he saw it :| now im starting to think he really didnt know

Hm? What was that about?
oprah asked him why he touched hisself so much and he said he didnt no he did
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: whateverhappens on December 26, 2009, 07:26:09 PM
Quote from: "virgo75"
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "badkolo"
Yes something absolutely crazy has been going on and after reading this article and watching the movie zeitgest im just stunned.
this also makes me think about on oprah when he said he didnt even know he was touching himself that much until he saw it :| now im starting to think he really didnt know

Not sure if it's the same part you're talking about, but there was a part in the Oprah interview where he says that he's a "SLAVE" to the music and an alarm goes off disrupting the interview.

Mike just sits there looking nonchalant like it happens all the time.   :lol:
Oprah is panicking and asking what that alarm is????   :lol:
The peaceful, innocent look on his face is priceless!

i can state this wholeheartedly- my thought also
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: whateverhappens on December 26, 2009, 07:57:07 PM
read this link till the end

http://www.konformist.com/flicks/eyeswideshut.htm (http://www.konformist.com/flicks/eyeswideshut.htm)

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/blood ... isney1.htm (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/disney1.htm)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: airieslady on December 27, 2009, 12:36:01 AM
Quote from: "whateverhappens"
read this link till the end

http://www.konformist.com/flicks/eyeswideshut.htm (http://www.konformist.com/flicks/eyeswideshut.htm)

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/blood ... isney1.htm (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/disney1.htm)

I just finished the Disney one and that's where I work!!!  I can say, I will never look at this company the same ever again.  This is overwhelming!  And now, they are bringing Capt. EO back with Michael,  this is strange that they would after all these years.  I hope he is able to get out of the mind control.  I just hope that he has.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Serenitys_Dream on December 27, 2009, 01:21:05 AM
I will not post the excerpt from this chapter here as it is very explicit and upsetting but if you want to read what this woman says she witnessed in the book she wrote click the link.

Brice Taylor, Mind Control Victim Writes About Michael Jackson

Thanks for the Memories - The Truth Has Set Me Free
by Brice Taylor

Chapter Twenty-one: The Hollywood Connection
Michael Jackson
To Michael, I extend a hand and say you also are not alone. Now there is a way out of this insanity.
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=149674 (http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=149674)

This is part of a speech given by Brice Taylor regarding her victimization by the U.S. government in the CIA program known as MK ULTRA.


Another article as the Monarch Program evolved in to the MK ULTRA Program
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yspadda on December 27, 2009, 02:16:50 AM
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"
I will not post the excerpt from this chapter here as it is very explicit and upsetting but if you want to read what this woman says she witnessed in the book she wrote click the link.

I don't trust her.
Michael Jackson had his first TV shows in 1969 when he was 11 - eleven !
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yspadda on December 27, 2009, 02:23:19 AM
Quote from: "misha86"
the same person said mike had a room full of mirrors
That's very useful when you're a dancer. In fact, you NEED mirrors to train your choreographies.
All that Illuminati things about Michael is BS.
What I'm reading in this thread is just the kind of sh... the worst tabloids have invented about him. Don't do their job.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: ~Souza~ on December 27, 2009, 06:47:57 AM
Quote from: "yspadda"
Quote from: "misha86"
the same person said mike had a room full of mirrors
That's very useful when you're a dancer. In fact, you NEED mirrors to train your choreographies.
All that Illuminati things about Michael is BS.
What I'm reading in this thread is just the kind of sh... the worst tabloids have invented about him. Don't do their job.

Actually this is not tabloid garbage, since the media never mentioned this. Why is this BS? Do you have arguments for that?

I myself think he was controlled, for many many years and I think those responsible for that need to be punished. It is not only happening to Mike, but to lots of people and we can't close our eyes for it, he needs us to see.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: *Mo* on December 27, 2009, 06:52:57 AM
Correct Souza!

I'd like to add this: Stop rejecting things until you have fully researched them.  It's so easy to say "what a bunch of bullshit" if you haven't even looked into it.  There is much more to this.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: SPAKKLE29FUL on December 27, 2009, 07:12:51 AM
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on December 27, 2009, 08:00:58 AM
Well i also mentioned mind control before.
While googlin DS i came to this...very interesting article about Michael
http://www.timboucher.com/journal/2005/ ... ol-victim/ (http://www.timboucher.com/journal/2005/05/04/michael-jackson-mind-control-victim/)

Michael loves magic and illusions..
Chris Angels also does mind control..probably Michael wanted to learn from him so he could use it in a positive way.
Remember i mentioned commercials..where they put fraction of seconds from other things. for example coca cola..so people buy more cola..
It made me think (i was discussing that on an other forum)... did Michael used Mind Control in a positive way in This Is It..
I mean... everyone felt love during the movie..fan or not...Love was felt...
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: 21bella1259 on December 27, 2009, 08:16:18 AM
@all Please promise me you will all stop watching "THE X FILES"  :lol:
Please people come to your senses, the focus should be if Michael Jackson is still alive  :?:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on December 27, 2009, 09:46:36 AM
He is..alive

On my onther forum i have my investigation outwritten complete.. but it is a LOT and in Dutch.
So before i post and doing a lot of work, i appreciate SERIOUS comments.

I hate people who laughing things away without any knowledge about the subject.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: whateverhappens on December 27, 2009, 11:59:06 AM
while researching i came across the followimg article

the beginning is maybe not that interesting or new so some of you,

but read the posts
especially <STRIVER>

i am shocked, please tell me your thoughts

http://www.henrymakow.com/was_michael_j ... er_il.html (http://www.henrymakow.com/was_michael_jackson_another_il.html)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 27, 2009, 01:27:38 PM
Quote from: "airieslady"
Quote from: "whateverhappens"
read this link till the end

http://www.konformist.com/flicks/eyeswideshut.htm (http://www.konformist.com/flicks/eyeswideshut.htm)

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/blood ... isney1.htm (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/disney1.htm)

I just finished the Disney one and that's where I work!!!  I can say, I will never look at this company the same ever again.  This is overwhelming!  And now, they are bringing Capt. EO back with Michael,  this is strange that they would after all these years.  I hope he is able to get out of the mind control.  I just hope that he has.
i also read that disney link and that was crazy..i can actually say that alot of things are becoming more and more clear as to what happened to mike and what is going on now...and major corp. like disney,pepsi, sony ect are behind it

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"
i will also look into this article and thank you for sharing this

Quote from: "yspadda"
That's very useful when you're a dancer. In fact, you NEED mirrors to train your choreographies.
All that Illuminati things about Michael is BS.
tabloid trash is mike not having a real nose, illuminati is not tabloid talk nor tash..and yes i understand you need mirrors to dance but its also apart of the brainwashing

Quote from: "21bella1259"
@all Please promise me you will all stop watching "THE X FILES" :lol:
Please people come to your senses, the focus should be if Michael Jackson is still alive :?:
we all know mike is alive and the focus should be WHY he faked his death and to understand that we need to know what lead up to this
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: truth_prevails on December 27, 2009, 02:57:29 PM
I m afraid this a possible reason for th hoax...note: I said possible!
I don t get how people can still close their eyes and ears toeverything they don t wanna hear...
I think there are much more things going on in this world than we can imagine and we should be open...closing our eyes to this is like saying that Brice Taylor is making all this up..now I think thats very rude and ignorant not to even consider the possibility...since when should we not take victims of terrible crime seriously? Just cause you didn t see it doesn t mean it doesn t happen...thats how the most awful things in history were able to take place cause people chose to look the other way!

Please dont get me wrong I m not trying to offend ANYONE here...we are all here because we don t believe everything we hear or see, so of course we can doubt but we are also here to become open for the truth...even if the truth is not nice sometimes...

I know it was discussed in the forum before...about how Joe Jackson eventually used rituals to punish MJ, and thats one thing that would make sense. I know some people don t like what Im gonna say now, but I hope I never meet Joe Jackson because I m a mother and I have NO TOLERANCE to how he treated Michael and probably his other children. When I see him on TV I don t see anything nice about him, his facial expression really scares me, to me he s not a good person ( saying it in a nice way).

So everyone out here....maybe its time to leave our nice little "Bubble" we like to live in and face the possibilities of a world with many dark sides involved.

Keep the Hope aLIvE

The most important thing is that Michaels in "SAFE KEEPINGS" now!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: ShowEmHowFunky on December 27, 2009, 04:09:57 PM
:lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Suzi~Ses~Its~Right on December 27, 2009, 04:28:18 PM
The last thing i want to do is offend anyone that will never be my intention but this is starting to really freak me out now. I feel like i have stepped into the twilight zone. When Michael 'died' as soon as the news came on my son and myself, even my elderly mother all said 'he's hoaxed it he isnt dead' and that has remained my beliefe since 25th June. I started where most started with MJHD. The investigation was what i considered making brilliant headway, the clues we found were plausable, believeable and most importantly made sense. But now ... im sorry but i feel the plot has well and truley been lost. We have had people out there in cyber land liking Michael to Jesus, treating him like a messiah. Sorry im not a christian but this kinda makes my flesh creep. Yes Michael was the biggest star OUR generation ever knew, he was a dedicated humanaterian, he beleived in the fact that this earth is NOT ours but on loan to us for our children and their children( with you on that on Mike 101%) But to make Michael Godley????? sorry that just screams WRONG!!!!!
And now this .. im starting to feel like Alice who fell down the rabbit hole. Im just waiting for the march hair to tell me to follow the rabbit to Micheal, where i will find him having tea with the mad hatter while debating to swallow the contents of a bottle labled drink me.. Whatever you do mike DONT BURN THE TARTS!!
i REALLY have had enough of living in the matrix so im gonna opt for the Red Pill and wake up back to sanity. And look for Logical reasons as to why Michael would hoax his death. Oh and Michael if your reading this, come move next door to me cos you will always be the shy cute boy next door type and not the untouchable, unreachable, megga superstar messiah figure.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on December 27, 2009, 05:15:57 PM
if you cANNOT handle it ..stop readinG THIIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: truth_prevails on December 27, 2009, 05:36:44 PM
Quote from: "Whitesocks"
if you cANNOT handle it ..stop readinG THIIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guess i have to agree...I always tell my 14 year old when he doesn t wanna listen to the news or any bad things going on in the world to stay in the Bubble and not be - but at least feel safe...

Also: I don t know where the "GODLEY" part came from...I m the last person to do that, just because Michael is a great humanitarian and does so many good things doesn t mean he s not human. He makes mistakes like we all do but that is what we do in life..no mistakes no development. All I was suggesting was that maybe some rather bad things have happened to Michael and thats why he had to leave and find a safe place...

and even if Michael actually has special abilities that heal or can see things ahead of time...there are plenty of people with these talents and they are not GODLEY...just people with special "talents" (sorry I can t think of the right word in english)

no offense either,but finding out the truth might not mean going on a funride at disneyland...
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Serenitys_Dream on December 27, 2009, 06:19:11 PM
Quote from: Suzi~Ses~Its~Right
The last thing i want to do is offend anyone that will never be my intention but this is starting to really freak me out now. I feel like i have stepped into the twilight zone. When Michael 'died' as soon as the news came on my son and myself, even my elderly mother all said 'he's hoaxed it he isnt dead' and that has remained my beliefe since 25th June. I started where most started with MJHD. The investigation was what i considered making brilliant headway, the clues we found were plausable, believeable and most importantly made sense. But now ... im sorry but i feel the plot has well and truley been lost. We have had people out there in cyber land liking Michael to Jesus, treating him like a messiah. Sorry im not a christian but this kinda makes my flesh creep. Yes Michael was the biggest star OUR generation ever knew, he was a dedicated humanaterian, he beleived in the fact that this earth is NOT ours but on loan to us for our children and their children( with you on that on Mike 101%) But to make Michael Godley????? sorry that just screams WRONG!!!!!
And now this .. im starting to feel like Alice who fell down the rabbit hole. Im just waiting for the march hair to tell me to follow the rabbit to Micheal, where i will find him having tea with the mad hatter while debating to swallow the contents of a bottle labled drink me.. Whatever you do mike DONT BURN THE TARTS!!
i REALLY have had enough of living in the matrix so im gonna opt for the Red Pill and wake up back to sanity. And look for Logical reasons as to why Michael would hoax his death. Oh and Michael if your reading this, come move next door to me cos you will always be the shy cute boy next door type and not the untouchable, unreachable, megga superstar messiah figure.

You mean you haven't heard Michael talk  about having healing powers? Well maybe you should listen to the Rabbi Schmuley tapes of conversations with Michael. Schmuley also says that Michael had a Messiah complex, what if it wasn't a complex?


Or how about Pianogame's video, where he gets a specialist to interpret the body language from the TII movie. Which by the way, body language, miming, using your body to convey a message...All Performance Art. Performance Art was alos a TIAI redirection and included in a TNZ Blog. Isn't that quite a big coincidence, too bad coincidences aren't real; everything happens for a reason.


Just because you want to close your eyes, deny this is happening and get yourself reinserted back in to the matrix, does not mean it isn't happening. Michael has been whispering but he is starting to shout ...wake up sleepyhead!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Suzi~Ses~Its~Right on December 27, 2009, 06:40:57 PM
Point one you misread me i actually said i was waking myself up from this matrix i have found myself in and re - entering sanity ville
Point two Michael is a MAN he bleeds, he sins, he is not pure, sinless etc therefore he can not POSSIBLEY be the messiah only Jesus is the perfect human no man alive is sinless including Michael.
Point three i have been investigating the JFK assasination for more years than i care to remember trust me there is nothing about the nwo/illuminante that i dont know so please dont treat me like im blind or burying my head to whats going on i am very much awake . Do i consider Michael faked his death because he realised he was worth tripple dead than alive??? yes i believe he would!! i would do ANYTHING for my son and i mean anything even if i were a huge megastar. If it meant fooling the fans i love for my sons future then yes i would do it and i think Michael is capable of that too. but thats just my opinion. Any parent would put their children before ANYTHING in the world. I would lay down my life for my son and im sure Michael would for his children!
To me this investigation has gone from Logical to delusional to boardering on the completeley irrational and insane .. im starting to feel ive moved to Wacko, USA.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on December 27, 2009, 08:49:29 PM
shame on whoever said this is tabloid trash. this is NEVER talked about on the news...be it TMZ or CNN. anyways, i think the people here who are laughing at it and dismissing it are just being ignorant. ignorance is bliss. personally, i'd rather be well informed about things than remain in a bubble of ignorant bliss. if you don't have the guts to read about illuminati based topics and gain knowledge about it, then move on and stay in your happy bubble.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Suzi~Ses~Its~Right on December 27, 2009, 09:16:52 PM
ok i just want a logical, rational answer to a simple question .. no sarcasm, no attacks just a simple answer ... Like i said i have studied the Illuminante quite deeply. The theories that it was the Bush family illuminante connection that caused the sept 11th tradgedy. i want to believe its unthinkable but .. it gave bush his war and what  generates Money for the war machine quicker than a war ... the connaction with kennedy again unthinkable but plausable .. yet again JFK out the way, the war machine got its viatnam war .. its no secret our royal family are members of the illuminante .. so when one woman, the mother of our future king becomes an embarresment, how easy is it to 'create' an accident ... but Michael??? explain to me how an entertainer who had been tarnished, belittled, mocked and ripped to peices could be such a threat to the secret government that he was seen as a huge danger that had to be removed. I remember while researching JFK's assasination reading a comment by a journalist made at the time of JFK's death. He told a dallas police officer ... 'you can kill 10 men with your gun .. i can kill 10,000 men with my pen' .. very powerfull words, and a very powerfull truth!! the illuminante had already 'killed' michael by using their journalists!!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on December 27, 2009, 10:08:42 PM
the only way i would know how to even partially answer that is that from what i've learned, mk ultra is something that goes on with a lot of entertainers. so michael would be a "threat" because he's basically been the most influential entertainer, let alone person. he has spoken out about things, in particular sony, which made him a threat. tho i'm a believer in it, i'm not quick to believe everything...especially the story of the jackson 5 being raped. HOWEVER, i've read equally horrifying stories about other people who become victims of this, so it wouldn't surprise me at all. i would just like more evidence, other than brice's story, to support it.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: wilds on December 27, 2009, 10:22:55 PM
"Everyone's Taking Control Of Me
Seems That The World's
Got A Role For Me
I'm So Confused
Will You Show To Me
You'll Be There For Me
And Care Enough To Bear Me.."

"Will You Be There" Michael Jackson

There truly is something to this "mind control". I myself believe it is not only physical but spiritual: Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version)
12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Some of you may remember a woman on twitter, name midnightmlk. Many dismissed her as loony, but she started tweeting on June 4th about a man using "astral projection" and mind control on her and Michael Jackson. People were trying to help her but soon after her account started getting attention, it was closed. I saved screenshots of her tweets. Another thing that caught my attention was when Uri Geller discussed how Michael asked him if he could "give him mental strength". Michael was suffering, exactly how I am not 100% sure but SOMETHING is going on.

And I know many may not share my spiritual beliefs, please don't be offended. I had a vivid and detailed dream of Michael in December of 08 where he had a man who looked like him take over and he disappeared. There were despicable acts going on, literally in the backyard of his home. This dream is the main reason why I can't let this hoax go. Now we are definitely on to something here. 

These were tweets from midnightmlk (J.Jones):



Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on December 27, 2009, 11:30:10 PM
wow, that's interesting! did anyone ever figure out who midnightmlk was?? i follow her on twitter...she doesn't tweet much. but her tweets here are very alarming.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on December 27, 2009, 11:31:17 PM
Quote from: wilds
"Everyone's Taking Control Of Me
Seems That The World's
Got A Role For Me
I'm So Confused
Will You Show To Me
You'll Be There For Me
And Care Enough To Bear Me.."

"Will You Be There" Michael Jackson

There truly is something to this "mind control". I myself believe it is not only physical but spiritual: Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version)
12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Some of you may remember a woman on twitter, name midnightmlk. Many dismissed her as loony, but she started tweeting on June 4th about a man using "astral projection" and mind control on her and Michael Jackson. People were trying to help her but soon after her account started getting attention, it was closed. I saved screenshots of her tweets. Another thing that caught my attention was when Uri Geller discussed how Michael asked him if he could "give him mental strength". Michael was suffering, exactly how I am not 100% sure but SOMETHING is going on.

And I know many may not share my spiritual beliefs, please don't be offended. I had a vivid and detailed dream of Michael in December of 08 where he had a man who looked like him take over and he disappeared. There were despicable acts going on, literally in the backyard of his home. This dream is the main reason why I can't let this hoax go. Now we are definitely on to something here. 

These were tweets from midnightmlk (J.Jones):

could you elaborate on the dream you had? i'm interested in hearing it.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: RK on December 28, 2009, 04:51:10 AM
Was just reading these links in this thread and it brings to mind a small thing that has been troubling me for a while now. Someone who met Mike in the late 70's was saying how Mike went against the powers that be with songs like They don't really care about us, heal the world ect. I have always found MJ to be acting almost provokingly and in your face in TDRCAU film clip. Not like his usual demeaner, and it reminds me of the swaggering O2 MJ. Maybe it nothing, but it's something I find strange and continually in the back of my mind. As if he's trying to bate someone or daring them to bring it on.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 28, 2009, 11:33:04 AM
When I get home I will reply 2 you with wat I think happened..again its just my thoughts but hopefull you will understand why michael would be a problem

Quote from: "Suzi~Ses~Its~Right"
ok i just want a logical, rational answer to a simple question .. no sarcasm, no attacks just a simple answer ... Like i said i have studied the Illuminante quite deeply. The theories that it was the Bush family illuminante connection that caused the sept 11th tradgedy. i want to believe its unthinkable but .. it gave bush his war and what  generates Money for the war machine quicker than a war ... the connaction with kennedy again unthinkable but plausable .. yet again JFK out the way, the war machine got its viatnam war .. its no secret our royal family are members of the illuminante .. so when one woman, the mother of our future king becomes an embarresment, how easy is it to 'create' an accident ... but Michael??? explain to me how an entertainer who had been tarnished, belittled, mocked and ripped to peices could be such a threat to the secret government that he was seen as a huge danger that had to be removed. I remember while researching JFK's assasination reading a comment by a journalist made at the time of JFK's death. He told a dallas police officer ... 'you can kill 10 men with your gun .. i can kill 10,000 men with my pen' .. very powerfull words, and a very powerfull truth!! the illuminante had already 'killed' michael by using their journalists!!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: wilds on December 28, 2009, 11:43:03 AM
yaya wrote: could you elaborate on the dream you had? i'm interested in hearing it.

I've kept a journal of my dreams for years because of certain "coincidental" incidents:
December 17th 2008

I was at this very nice new house with middle east type architecture. It was sort of like the house I love in North Port (my dream house). From the inside, the windows
were "temple" shaped, very ornate with glass blocks filling the windows instead of just regular glass. Plus, there was bold color tiles such as cobalt blue and orange shaping them; there was decoration like this in the kitchen. Then there were bleachers in the living room with hundreds of people waiting for a show. Michael Jackson ( he had a very mischevious look in his eye when he glanced at me) was warming up (rehearsing) in the garage. He walked in front of me, I was looking at him then he dashed away suddenly, it seemed as though he had on a mask. People were screaming when he came out then he turned into another person - another performer. The crowd rushed him. He got to dance a little but the people were too rowdy. This new guy ran. So as the people ran to the back yard to get a closer look at him, I noticed bags of chocolate candy in the dining area inside of a drawer. I looked into the back yard and saw dispicable acts. I said to myself let me get out of here,

So I started putting some of the chocolates in my purse. Then, I was in the back yard which was very beautiful, it was night time. There was green, freshly mowned grass and a pretty landscape with clear blue pools with waterfalls. Although the grounds were beautiful the people were dirty - engaged in despicable acts (I can't elabotare them here). I was disgusted and trying to understand why???

I also wanted to add that the new midnightmlk on twitter isn't the same one who was posting all of that stuff before. The old account was under someone by the name of J. Jones and was closed shortly after a lot of people started following them. This new account seems to have just popped up in November.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: *Mo* on December 28, 2009, 11:59:45 AM
Quote from: "Suzi~Ses~Its~Right"
ok i just want a logical, rational answer to a simple question .. no sarcasm, no attacks just a simple answer ... Like i said i have studied the Illuminante quite deeply. The theories that it was the Bush family illuminante connection that caused the sept 11th tradgedy. i want to believe its unthinkable but .. it gave bush his war and what  generates Money for the war machine quicker than a war ... the connaction with kennedy again unthinkable but plausable .. yet again JFK out the way, the war machine got its viatnam war .. its no secret our royal family are members of the illuminante .. so when one woman, the mother of our future king becomes an embarresment, how easy is it to 'create' an accident ... but Michael??? explain to me how an entertainer who had been tarnished, belittled, mocked and ripped to peices could be such a threat to the secret government that he was seen as a huge danger that had to be removed. I remember while researching JFK's assasination reading a comment by a journalist made at the time of JFK's death. He told a dallas police officer ... 'you can kill 10 men with your gun .. i can kill 10,000 men with my pen' .. very powerfull words, and a very powerfull truth!! the illuminante had already 'killed' michael by using their journalists!!

If you give us a little bit of time, it will all be explained...


Mo & Souza
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: looking4truth on December 28, 2009, 01:58:14 PM
Every time I hear or read stuff about this, I think about Is It Scary? which I think is one of his most emotional songs to date. I always get really sad when I hear it because he seems so torn about something that hurt him deeply, especially when he says I want to talk about, I don't want to talk about it at the end. And I think that something might partially be what is talked about in this thread.


"Is It Scary?"

There's a ghost out in the hall
Theirs a goul beneath the bed
Now it's coming through the walls
Now it's coming down the stairs

Then there's screaming in the dark
Hear the beating of his heart
Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts be hiding everywhere

I'm gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see
It's you whose haunting me
Your warning me
To be the stranger
In your life

Am I amusing you
Or just confusing you
Am I the beast
You visualised
And if you wanna to see
I'll be grotesque
Before your eyes

Let them all materialise

Is that scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh
Is it scary for you baby
Is it scary for you

You know the stranger is you
Is it scary for you baby

There's a creak beneath the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But nobody sitting there
Their's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coughin' and a yawnin'
Where restless soul's spoke

I'm gonna be
Exactly what you gonna see
So did you come to me
To see your fantasies
Performed before your very eyes

A haunting ghostly treat
The foolish trickery
And spirits dancing
In the light

But if you came to see
The truth the purity
It's here inside
A lonely heart

So let the performance start

Is that scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh
Am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for you
So tell me is it scary for you baby
So tell me is it crazy for you baby
Am I scary for you

You know the stranger is you
Am I scary for ya

Masquerade the heart
Is the height of haunting souls
Just not what you seek of me
Can the heart reveal the proof
Like a mirror reveals the truth
See the evil one is you

Is that scary for you baby
Am I scary for you oh
Am I scary for you baby
Is it scary for you
So tell me am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for ya baby
Is is scary for ya baby
Am I scary for you
(I don't wanna talk about it)

Am I scary for you baby
Am I scary for you
I'm tired of being abused
You know you're scaring me too
I see the evil is you
Is it scary for you baby
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on December 28, 2009, 02:18:04 PM
does anyone has a very close up photo from Michaels eyes???
I want to know if he has coloboma.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on December 28, 2009, 04:05:27 PM
Quote from: "wilds"
yaya wrote: could you elaborate on the dream you had? i'm interested in hearing it.

I've kept a journal of my dreams for years because of certain "coincidental" incidents:
December 17th 2008

I was at this very nice new house with middle east type architecture. It was sort of like the house I love in North Port (my dream house). From the inside, the windows
were "temple" shaped, very ornate with glass blocks filling the windows instead of just regular glass. Plus, there was bold color tiles such as cobalt blue and orange shaping them; there was decoration like this in the kitchen. Then there were bleachers in the living room with hundreds of people waiting for a show. Michael Jackson ( he had a very mischevious look in his eye when he glanced at me) was warming up (rehearsing) in the garage. He walked in front of me, I was looking at him then he dashed away suddenly, it seemed as though he had on a mask. People were screaming when he came out then he turned into another person - another performer. The crowd rushed him. He got to dance a little but the people were too rowdy. This new guy ran. So as the people ran to the back yard to get a closer look at him, I noticed bags of chocolate candy in the dining area inside of a drawer. I looked into the back yard and saw dispicable acts. I said to myself let me get out of here,

So I started putting some of the chocolates in my purse. Then, I was in the back yard which was very beautiful, it was night time. There was green, freshly mowned grass and a pretty landscape with clear blue pools with waterfalls. Although the grounds were beautiful the people were dirty - engaged in despicable acts (I can't elabotare them here). I was disgusted and trying to understand why???

I also wanted to add that the new midnightmlk on twitter isn't the same one who was posting all of that stuff before. The old account was under someone by the name of J. Jones and was closed shortly after a lot of people started following them. This new account seems to have just popped up in November.

wow, that's very interesting! it reminds me of "eyes wide shut", especially if i assume what sorts of despicable acts you're talking about.
so the new midnightmlk twitter account has nothing to do with the original one??
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: wilds on December 28, 2009, 05:12:21 PM
Quote from: "yaya"

wow, that's very interesting! it reminds me of "eyes wide shut", especially if i assume what sorts of despicable acts you're talking about.
so the new midnightmlk twitter account has nothing to do with the original one??

Yes you can assume those are the the type of acts and they included the innocent. Now that I think about it, "Eyes Wide Shut" is a very good comparison of the entire situation. And the midnightmlk I currently see on twitter is definitely not the original.
I think it has become clearer than ever that Michael needed to escape, not only for his self but for his family as well.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: whateverhappens on December 28, 2009, 05:33:17 PM
i really can imagine that mj would have said or pointed out something at his concerts :!:

and being loved by fans all over the world  :)

he is the most influentioal person living on that planet  :)

he would have been heard and believed

so HE IS A THREAT to them
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 28, 2009, 05:48:22 PM
Quote from: "wilds"
Quote from: "yaya"

wow, that's very interesting! it reminds me of "eyes wide shut", especially if i assume what sorts of despicable acts you're talking about.
so the new midnightmlk twitter account has nothing to do with the original one??

Yes you can assume those are the the type of acts and they included the innocent. Now that I think about it, "Eyes Wide Shut" is a very good comparison of the entire situation. And the midnightmlk I currently see on twitter is definitely not the original.
I think it has become clearer than ever that Michael needed to escape, not only for his self but for his family as well.
From wat I understand that movie is about the illuminati....
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: icebluestarlight on December 28, 2009, 05:57:11 PM
Sorry too far fetched I do not belive any of it, sounds like a really bad movie plot
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: whateverhappens on December 28, 2009, 06:00:10 PM
Quote from: "icebluestarlight"
Sorry too far fetched I do not belive any of it, sounds like a really bad movie plot



Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 28, 2009, 06:33:03 PM
Quote from: "icebluestarlight"
Sorry too far fetched I do not belive any of it, sounds like a really bad movie plot
Faking your death is far fetched also..sounds like a movie plot ...lmao


Wow...I didn't kno that
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: wilds on December 28, 2009, 07:03:13 PM
Quote from: "whateverhappens"
i really can imagine that mj would have said or pointed out something at his concerts :!:

and being loved by fans all over the world  :)

he is the most influentioal person living on that planet  :)

he would have been heard and believed

so HE IS A THREAT to them

You're so right! More people would listen to Michael than the President of the free world LOL! He's a HUGE threat.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: airieslady on December 28, 2009, 08:35:56 PM
I always thought that MJ was a threat to the NWO b/c of his worldly influence.  He became friends with many world leaders.  His music contained messages throughout the years. I know he put symbols on his costumes, albums, and even wore on personal clothes.  I just wonder if he was a freemason at one time and decided to get out or approached by the NWO in some other way.  And I wonder if he was able to get free of the mind control finally... I really hope so!  Just listen to his message in TII about don't believe your government cares about you... it's up to US!  I surprised that these messages were in the movie... since it's made against the governments.  We have only four yrs... now, if you read the NWO plan and agendas for this world... it's scary!  The only way MJ can get the attention of the whole world is to do something like this... but will everyone listen?  Or will they label him when he returns!  It's not going to be easy!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: GirlSaturday on December 28, 2009, 09:25:27 PM
Many may reject the illuminati and mind control theories because there is a fear of the unknown...

It is difficult for people to connect the dots when they are unfamiliar to things. It doesn't even have to be a hoaxed death. It could be the other real things that surface. If you do not steal then it is difficult to understand the mind of a thief. If you do not lie then it is difficult to understand the motivations of a pathological liar. Etc etc etc. Mind control is not  that far fetched. Humans like to experiment and control. Look at history and how easily people have been manipulated and toyed with. There is a whole different world out there where people do not live as I do or behave as I do. I have learned of some  behaviors that make me cringe because they are different and unusual to me. However, it is quite normal for those who live that life.

Several months ago,  I put my head on the chopping block on the old mjkit forum by suggesting that MJ has DID (dissociative identity disorder). Translation: multiple personalities. I still believe that to be the case. Childhood truama causes that mental state in people. According to the Rabbi Schmuley tapes, Joseph Jackson would force his son to undress and prepare him for a vicious beating. He prepared his son by oiling the child's body and would proceed to beat him with belts and cords. If that isn't truamatic then I certainly don't know what is. That level of truama could have indeed caused MJ to seperate and become more than one person. I have watched many interviews, appearances and read much about MJ since June 25th. The same person was not always present. It was not simply a case of putting on a new face for different interviews. It was much more than that. For those who doubt...consider the fact that we are members of a forum discussing news about how  a man who died on June 25th didn't really die and how he hoaxed his death. Anything is possible...

There are many brilliant and talented people on the planet yet they are not the chosen ones. The chosen ones are not the best or brightest stars yet they are chosen and held up that way. This is true for celebrities, public figures, politicians, business people etc. Who decides? Who allows stars to rise and shine? Likewise who decides when it is time for the stars to fall and fade away?

I do not dismiss the mind control theories. Afterall...look around us and at history. Anything is possible....
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 28, 2009, 09:41:00 PM
Quote from: "GirlSaturday"

Several months ago,  I put my head on the chopping block on the old mjkit forum by suggesting that MJ has DID (dissociative identity disorder). Translation: multiple personalities. I still believe that to be the case. Childhood truama causes that mental state in people. According to the Rabbi Schmuley tapes, Joseph Jackson would force his son to undress and prepare him for a vicious beating. He prepared his son by oiling the child's body and would proceed to beat him with belts and cords. If that isn't truamatic then I certainly don't know what is. That level of truama could have indeed caused MJ to seperate and become more than one person. I have watched many interviews, appearances and read much about MJ since June 25th. The same person was not always present. It was not simply a case of putting on a new face for different interviews. It was much more than that. For those who doubt...consider the fact that we are members of a forum discussing news about how  a man who died on June 25th didn't really die and how he hoaxed his death. Anything is possible...
i just want to point out that the is the number 1 sympton of trama

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtY-BazyatM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtY-BazyatM)
here is a video, you can start at 7:18, and listen to what he is saying, its exactly what is being spoken on in this thread

there is no way that all these people saying the same thing is a coincidence
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on December 28, 2009, 10:22:37 PM
very well put, girlsaturday! :D
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on December 29, 2009, 04:34:25 AM
In every fairytale is a message.

The Wizzard of Oz is one very important.

Dorothy and friends were told to follow the yellow brick road to find the Wizzard of Oz...he would help them.
When they met hem he turned out to be a normal guy without any special powers...disillusion. He just had the power to make everyone afraid of him so they gave him the powerful position.

The message is..don't follow the group like sheeps because someone tells you something. Don't just believe... follow your hart and you will find your home. Let not fear lead the way.

At the end of the yellow brick road they found something they didn't expect
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: GirlSaturday on December 29, 2009, 05:24:54 AM
And...do not look toward others to grant their permission for you to be yourself.  

Many are now on a crusade to L.O.V.E. and treat others with kindness. Now? Why not before June 25, 2009? It is almost as if people have finally discovered warm and compassionate sides to themselves. It was actually inside of them all along yet for whatever reasons they were reluctant to reveal that side of themselves.

Quote from: "Whitesocks"
In every fairytale is a message.

The Wizzard of Oz is one very important.

Dorothy and friends were told to follow the yellow brick road to find the Wizzard of Oz...he would help them.
When they met hem he turned out to be a normal guy without any special powers...disillusion. He just had the power to make everyone afraid of him so they gave him the powerful position.

The message is..don't follow the group like sheeps because someone tells you something. Don't just believe... follow your hart and you will find your home. Let not fear lead the way.

At the end of the yellow brick road they found something they didn't expect
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Gerda on December 29, 2009, 06:36:13 AM
I do not know if it's relevant for the topic of cult-worshipping and mind control in show-business, but in the 80's the Jacksons made a very strange video for their song "Torture". Neither Michael, nor Jermaine participated in this video, but they were both lead singers.

The lyrics for the song:
1st Verse - Jermine Jackson
It was on a street so evil
So bad that even hell disowned it
Every single step was trouble
For the fool who stumbled on it
Eyes within the dark were watching
I felt the sudden chill of danger
Something told me keep on walking
Told me I should not have come there

Chorus - The Jacksons
Baby, 'cause you cut me like a knife
Without your love in my life
Alone I walk in the night
'Cause I just can't stop this feelin'
It's torture
It's torture
It's torture

2nd Verse - Michael Jackson
She was up a stair to nowhere
A room forever I'll remember
She stared as though I should have known her
Tell me what's your pain or pleasure
Every little thing you find here
Is simply for the thrill you're after
Loneliness or hearts of fire
I am here to serve all masters
Chorus - The Jacksons
She said reality is a knife
When there's no love in your life
And merciful is the night
When you just can't stop this feeling
It's torture
It's torture
It's torture

Bridge - Jermine Jackson
And I still can't find the meaning, no no no
Of the face I keep on seeing
Was she real or am I dreaming

Michael Jackson
Did the sound of your name
Turn a wheel, start the flame in me

Chorus - The Jacksons
Baby, 'cause you cut me like a knife
Without your love in my life
Alone I walk in the night
And I just can't stop this feelin'
It's torture
It's torture
It's torture

Chorus - The Jacksons
She said reality is a knife
When there's no love in your life
And merciful is the night
When you just can't stop this feeling
It's torture
It's torture
It's torture

Probably, it's just pure art, who knows anymore, but you can clearly see there yellow road, temple, a couple of spiders, allegedly all-seeing eye and probably egyptian goddess Isis. You decide what the hell is that.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on December 29, 2009, 09:08:52 AM
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "icebluestarlight"
Sorry too far fetched I do not belive any of it, sounds like a really bad movie plot
Faking your death is far fetched also..sounds like a movie plot ...lmao


Wow...I didn't kno that[/quote]

lol, yes, death faking does sound far fetched! but all of us here believe in it...
and wow, i didn't know the the director died afterwards!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: tenschi on December 29, 2009, 10:23:11 PM
Quote from: "yspadda"
Quote from: "misha86"
the same person said mike had a room full of mirrors
That's very useful when you're a dancer. In fact, you NEED mirrors to train your choreographies.
All that Illuminati things about Michael is BS.
What I'm reading in this thread is just the kind of sh... the worst tabloids have invented about him. Don't do their job.

Yspadda, could this be BS, sure - but after all I've discovered since MJ's "passing" - not sure it is.  I would hate to think Mile was under this type of control for half of his career.  You may want to look into this before poopooing it.  It's real Yspadda.  

Posted with L.O.V.E.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: tenschi on December 29, 2009, 10:31:19 PM
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Quote from: "yspadda"
Quote from: "misha86"
the same person said mike had a room full of mirrors
That's very useful when you're a dancer. In fact, you NEED mirrors to train your choreographies.
All that Illuminati things about Michael is BS.
What I'm reading in this thread is just the kind of sh... the worst tabloids have invented about him. Don't do their job.

Actually this is not tabloid garbage, since the media never mentioned this. Why is this BS? Do you have arguments for that?

I myself think he was controlled, for many many years and I think those responsible for that need to be punished. It is not only happening to Mike, but to lots of people and we can't close our eyes for it, he needs us to see.

Well spoken Souza...if our beloved Mike has removed himself from this *Shit* we need to stand up against this type of invasion of peoples mind and souls.  I "Wanna Be Start Something"against it... :!:  :!:  :!:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: tenschi on December 29, 2009, 10:48:15 PM
Quote from: "Gerda"
I do not know if it's relevant for the topic of cult-worshipping and mind control in show-business, but in the 80's the Jacksons made a very strange video for their song "Torture". Neither Michael, nor Jermaine participated in this video, but they were both lead singers.

I can see this being relevant - thanks for posting it.  The things they touched on with lyrics and sybolisms are dead on.  There are reasons the LARGEST musician in the world, and his family, were taken down.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: amy on December 30, 2009, 12:19:35 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUawOaamF4g (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUawOaamF4g)

http://mjdeathoax.forumotion.com/all-od ... 32.htm#349 (http://mjdeathoax.forumotion.com/all-od-things-f10/symbolism-of-wicked-witch-of-t-he-west-and-oz-t132.htm#349)

Symbolism of Wicked Witch of t he West and Oz
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: princesspea on December 30, 2009, 01:58:32 PM
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Quote from: "yspadda"
Quote from: "misha86"
the same person said mike had a room full of mirrors
That's very useful when you're a dancer. In fact, you NEED mirrors to train your choreographies.
All that Illuminati things about Michael is BS.
What I'm reading in this thread is just the kind of sh... the worst tabloids have invented about him. Don't do their job.

Actually this is not tabloid garbage, since the media never mentioned this. Why is this BS? Do you have arguments for that?

I myself think he was controlled, for many many years and I think those responsible for that need to be punished. It is not only happening to Mike, but to lots of people and we can't close our eyes for it, he needs us to see.

Souza you are so spot on! I have read a lot around this subject and admittedly some things seem waaay 'out there'. Thing is, theres many people in the wordl right now thinking we are all a bunch of conspiracy-theorists with a one-way ticket to a mental institution for EXACTLY the same reason. A Hoax death? Waaaaaaaaaaaaay out there! Doesnt make it any less real though huh?

No-one has to believe or not believe but an open mind is a very powerful tool to posses. :)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 30, 2009, 11:01:33 PM
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum ... 947021/pg1 (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message947021/pg1)

i know that this is not about mj but it is basicly the same story ,this is for people who think that this is not real and some made up crap only about mj...the list can go on with other celebs who probly went thru the same thing

here are somethings that stood out

"Tiger" first played golf at age 3 on the Bob Hope TV Show. Bob Hope is a notorious MKULTRA programmer and pedophile CIA sexslave handler. Homosexual rape is required by MKULTRA as torture to create multiple personalities, often on military bases, as proven in the Franklin Cover-up. (ibid)

funny how bob hope comes up yet again...coincidence?
In my opinion, Tiger Woods has reached the magical age where his programming is probably breaking down and cannot be repaired. Thus the Illuminati create a way for his exit that is both instructive and banal.
i wonder if that is the real reason why alot of celebs are in and out of rehab???
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: SEHF on December 30, 2009, 11:05:09 PM
Ole evil Bob Hope.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: whateverhappens on December 31, 2009, 01:22:40 AM
can you remember what happened to britney spears?
i mean when she shaved her head- all the people thought she might go crazy.

i assume this could also be connected with that.

then i saw somewhere a vid when madonna "dissmissed" her from the "club" and
she publicly kissed another young singer
on stage, but i cannot remember who that was.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on December 31, 2009, 03:14:28 AM
Quote from: "whateverhappens"
can you remember what happened to britney spears?
i mean when she shaved her head- all the people thought she might go crazy.

i assume this could also be connected with that.

then i saw somewhere a vid when madonna "dissmissed" her from the "club" and
she publicly kissed another young singer
on stage, but i cannot remember who that was.
not just britney but mariah and lyndsey also...just to name a very...maybe they got off track

i think that the madonna kissing brit and christina was some type of ritual...the young girls have on white and she has on black...good vs evil...ect.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: wilds on December 31, 2009, 10:54:51 AM
Quote from: misha86
Quote from: whateverhappens
can you remember what happened to britney spears?
i mean when she shaved her head- all the people thought she might go crazy.

i assume this could also be connected with that.

then i saw somewhere a vid when madonna "dissmissed" her from the "club" and
she publicly kissed another young singer
on stage, but i cannot remember who that was.
not just britney but mariah and lyndsey also...just to name a very...maybe they got off track

i think that the madonna kissing brit and christina was some type of ritual...the young girls have on white and she has on black...good vs evil...ect.

Killer Thriller Part 2 MJ Speech
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW1T1DZdWrA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW1T1DZdWrA)

Michael speaks out about the evils of the music industry, Mariah Carey and Tommy Mottola
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MJLover1990 on January 01, 2010, 12:09:38 PM
I've really have had it with the Illuminati and New World Order! I've seen The Michael Jackson Documentary: The Story You Never Knew and it was even more eye opening then my eyes were opened already! Illuminati controls EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING we see, hear, read, know, learn... absolutely everything. I can understand now why Michael has faked his death, he wanted out of the illuminati, he was done with them he didn't want to be controlled, manipulated and blackmailed by them anymore, but this is just my opinion.

Like I've said before, the time is now THIS IS IT we need to stand up and fight because what is going on right now and if we don't fight for ourselves, our future and our children and grandchildren... this may end very bad even worse then our own worst nightmares!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: yaya on January 01, 2010, 01:02:47 PM
@ misha, i thought of tiger woods too! so many of the really popular celebs have had serious breakdowns, and i think it all comes back to the illuminati's hold on them.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on January 01, 2010, 02:09:01 PM
Better believe the theories of Illuminati...
Also check this out about the Rockefellers....!!!!!!!!
Micheal knew, Michael knows and he is warning us.


http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/the_rockefeller_bloodline.htm]http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/ha ... odline.htm
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on January 01, 2010, 04:47:16 PM
i don't know if you all heard about our queensday in 2009.

Someone wanted to attack her and crashed at the needle.....the needle...got it???

The needle is highly important

I try to figure out if illuminati is on the good site or on the bad site
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Dancing_Machine on January 01, 2010, 05:20:00 PM
Quote from: "Whitesocks"

I try to figure out if illuminati is on the good site or on the bad site

Huh? Isnt that already obvious?  :?
They named themselves 'illuminati' because they've got 'illuminated' by lucifer.
Or 'verlicht' in Dutch.  ;)
When you believe in God and you know the story of the fallen angel lucifer (the devil) it will be easier to understand this subject.

I heard Jan Jaap van der Wal said some interesting things yesterday about the attack. I haven't watched it, was busy partying (dancing on J5)  :lol:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Whitesocks on January 01, 2010, 05:22:45 PM
Nono..i am realy investigating.... the first pope (vatican) was friends with Hitler)... tomorrow i'll do more reasearch...for now i cannot think anymore, and tomorrow i will do reasearch with veryfied sources.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MJLover1990 on January 01, 2010, 09:03:40 PM
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"
Quote from: "Whitesocks"

I try to figure out if illuminati is on the good site or on the bad site

Huh? Isnt that already obvious?  :?
They named themselves 'illuminati' because they've got 'illuminated' by lucifer.
Or 'verlicht' in Dutch.  ;)
When you believe in God and you know the story of the fallen angel lucifer (the devil) it will be easier to understand this subject.

I heard Jan Jaap van der Wal said some interesting things yesterday about the attack. I haven't watched it, was busy partying (dancing on J5)  :lol:

Yeah ofcourse obviously they are on the bad side! But I was just watching the History Channel and they were talking about Angels & Demons Encoded and I found it very interesting they were speaking about the movie but also about the history of Illuminati it was very interesting!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Eva R on January 02, 2010, 05:05:37 AM
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"
Quote from: "Whitesocks"

I try to figure out if illuminati is on the good site or on the bad site

Huh? Isnt that already obvious?  :?
They named themselves 'illuminati' because they've got 'illuminated' by lucifer.
Or 'verlicht' in Dutch.  ;)
When you believe in God and you know the story of the fallen angel lucifer (the devil) it will be easier to understand this subject.

I heard Jan Jaap van der Wal said some interesting things yesterday about the attack. I haven't watched it, was busy partying (dancing on J5)  :lol:
Hahahaha  :lol:  :lol: Jaap van der Wal! sorry, it looks funny because you talk english and then there comes a really dutch name between the english  :lol: it looks funny :D I am dutch to so ;)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Dancing_Machine on January 02, 2010, 02:08:45 PM
Quote from: "MJLover1990"
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"
Quote from: "Whitesocks"

I try to figure out if illuminati is on the good site or on the bad site

Huh? Isnt that already obvious?  :?
They named themselves 'illuminati' because they've got 'illuminated' by lucifer.
Or 'verlicht' in Dutch.  ;)
When you believe in God and you know the story of the fallen angel lucifer (the devil) it will be easier to understand this subject.

I heard Jan Jaap van der Wal said some interesting things yesterday about the attack. I haven't watched it, was busy partying (dancing on J5)  :lol:

Yeah ofcourse obviously they are on the bad side! But I was just watching the History Channel and they were talking about Angels & Demons Encoded and I found it very interesting they were speaking about the movie but also about the history of Illuminati it was very interesting!

It's very obvious they're the bad ones in this world.

I dont think the History Channel would show the real info about the illuminati, the media would never show the true side of the illuminati.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Dancing_Machine on January 02, 2010, 02:12:28 PM
Quote from: "Eva R"
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"
Quote from: "Whitesocks"

I try to figure out if illuminati is on the good site or on the bad site

Huh? Isnt that already obvious?  :?
They named themselves 'illuminati' because they've got 'illuminated' by lucifer.
Or 'verlicht' in Dutch.  ;)
When you believe in God and you know the story of the fallen angel lucifer (the devil) it will be easier to understand this subject.

I heard Jan Jaap van der Wal said some interesting things yesterday about the attack. I haven't watched it, was busy partying (dancing on J5)  :lol:
Hahahaha  :lol:  :lol: Jaap van der Wal! sorry, it looks funny because you talk english and then there comes a really dutch name between the english  :lol: it looks funny :D I am dutch to so ;)

Hahaha I know what you mean. In a english text a name like Jan Jaap van de Wal looks even more dutch than it already is  :lol: :lol:
I life in Holland but Im not dutch  ;)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MJLover1990 on January 03, 2010, 02:27:07 PM
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"
It's very obvious they're the bad ones in this world.

I dont think the History Channel would show the real info about the illuminati, the media would never show the true side of the illuminati.

I'm not sure if they did but they were more talking about the history of the Illuminati not the present.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on January 03, 2010, 02:36:21 PM
Quote from: "MJLover1990"
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"
It's very obvious they're the bad ones in this world.

I dont think the History Channel would show the real info about the illuminati, the media would never show the true side of the illuminati.

I'm not sure if they did but they were more talking about the history of the Illuminati not the present.
i think they would ..the other day they were showing a series called "strange rituals" and the logo have a prymid with the all seeing eye and the epidodes had themes like, nmagic, out of body experiences,canniblism ect all things associated with the illuminati and they also had a commecial that shows the statue of Jesus crumbling...like out of all the things you show why would you show that :?:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: See on January 04, 2010, 11:37:11 AM
I would like to stress that the illuminati is a very old cult, it's almost impossible that it would excist and have such a influence. What I can tell you is that Bilderberg is more interesting to you field of research.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Dancing_Machine on January 04, 2010, 01:22:40 PM
For those who dont understand the whole Illuminati issue, just do a little reseach on it and you will see that they are very much real (nothing has to be far fetched, just look at this MJ hoax  :D )

You can find a lot of information on youtube that explains the illuminati and the nwo from the origin.

For example these 2 series:

-The labyrinth of truth:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8INGSHTkojI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8INGSHTkojI)
This is from a Christian point of view (so if you're Christian you will be able to relate better to this serie). To me this serie was a little hard to follow in the beginning but some of the videos where very good!!

-The Arrivals:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le_ySMrOkFU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le_ySMrOkFU)
And this serie is from a Islamic point of view, this one is a little easier to follow. But once you get into it 'The labyrinth of truth' will be a very good addition.

To understand the whole thing it would be better to watch the whole series otherwise it will confuse you even more  :lol:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MichaelJackson123 on January 25, 2010, 06:20:42 PM
Quote from: "Dancing_Machine"
For those who dont understand the whole Illuminati issue, just do a little reseach on it and you will see that they are very much real (nothing has to be far fetched, just look at this MJ hoax  :D )

You can find a lot of information on youtube that explains the illuminati and the nwo from the origin.

For example these 2 series:

-The labyrinth of truth:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8INGSHTkojI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8INGSHTkojI)
This is from a Christian point of view (so if you're Christian you will be able to relate better to this serie). To me this serie was a little hard to follow in the beginning but some of the videos where very good!!

-The Arrivals:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le_ySMrOkFU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le_ySMrOkFU)
And this serie is from a Islamic point of view, this one is a little easier to follow. But once you get into it 'The labyrinth of truth' will be a very good addition.

To understand the whole thing it would be better to watch the whole series otherwise it will confuse you even more  :lol:

THE ARRIVALS ARE A GOOD SERIES BUT THE END IS TOTALLY WRONG...the is no bloodline of 12 Imams...this is complete rubbish..this doesnt stand in the Quran at all...
"The Illuminati have 13 bloodlines and we have the bloodline of 12 which will attack them"=total crap....
I tell you behind all those Zeitgeist/arrivals movies are also Illumianti people..they really wnat to distract us...
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Smile on January 26, 2010, 11:45:21 AM
Finally someone connecting mkultra an MJ..i've been waiting for this for months.

I think elizabeth taylor was a victim too.. They always stated that 'having the same childhood' brought them closer
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Smile on January 26, 2010, 11:47:23 AM
Quote from: "yspadda"
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"
I will not post the excerpt from this chapter here as it is very explicit and upsetting but if you want to read what this woman says she witnessed in the book she wrote click the link.

I don't trust her.
Michael Jackson had his first TV shows in 1969 when he was 11 - eleven !

Uhm..they start programming when you're about 18 months..so eleven isn't young at all
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: *Mo* on January 26, 2010, 11:53:10 AM
Quote from: "Smile"
Quote from: "yspadda"
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"
I will not post the excerpt from this chapter here as it is very explicit and upsetting but if you want to read what this woman says she witnessed in the book she wrote click the link.

I don't trust her.
Michael Jackson had his first TV shows in 1969 when he was 11 - eleven !

Uhm..they start programming when you're about 18 months..so eleven isn't young at all

They even start with unborn babies.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Smile on January 26, 2010, 12:18:42 PM
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "Smile"
Quote from: "yspadda"
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"
I will not post the excerpt from this chapter here as it is very explicit and upsetting but if you want to read what this woman says she witnessed in the book she wrote click the link.

I don't trust her.
Michael Jackson had his first TV shows in 1969 when he was 11 - eleven !

Uhm..they start programming when you're about 18 months..so eleven isn't young at all

They even start with unborn babies.

yeah , with the embryos..they poke the embryos..and right after the child is born, they stop them from breathing for a while, torturing them already. poor kids..
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on January 26, 2010, 09:39:15 PM
Hey...just to throw this out and have it digested-- PLEASE comment: did anyone think that one of the the jackets MJ wore in This Is It looked suspiciously like something a Mad Hatter would wear? Or maybe the Knave of Hearts or something?  You know the one---with the pointy shoulders.  :lol:  :roll:  :? It was decidedly off the wall--NOT off the rack---and I immediately thought  :?  :?  :?  :o "WHAT the HECK is he trying to SAY, here?", but no one ever mentioned it, here, unless I just didn't get to  it, yet, and I didn't even connect Mind Control or Disney Programming Tunnels to MJ until this month, or I would have looked for something like that at the time.

Could this be a reference to programming triggers, as written about in that looong Disney Deceivers article, early on in this thread? --does anyone remember what else was going on in the movie, as long as he wore that "mantle"?

I bet it is IMPORTANT, because he looked bizarrely overdressed (OVER THE TOP!,  :oops:  :oops: sorry, MJ! I have been sitting on this ---not wanting to be insulting, but did anyone,  for ONE split second, think he looked like, not the KING of Pop, but, the...) and, really, come on, nothing as usual,  he All ways looked sharp, in uniform or very casual YET NO one said to him, "what's with the get-up?" or, "Ah...trick or treat is months away, dude". NO one commented, and it was all business as usual, as I remember. Any thoughts as to WHAT his statement was, there---maybe, does someone have access to This Is It, yet, and can look at it right now? :?:  (Soooo sorry, MJ, if this was not a costume :oops:  :oops: :roll:)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on January 26, 2010, 10:39:27 PM
[I will not post the excerpt from this chapter here as it is very explicit and upsetting but if you want to read what this woman says she witnessed in the book she wrote click the link.

Brice Taylor, Mind Control Victim Writes About Michael Jackson

Thanks for the Memories - The Truth Has Set Me Free
by Brice Taylor

Chapter Twenty-one: The Hollywood Connection
Michael Jackson

This IS upsetting ---and  :)  :| no offense to the poster: CRAP, as is alot of the occult and other things on that link/ page.  :!: Two very important things:  #1, her ad for colloidal silver---if you use this just enough, your skin will turn a sick blue green   :shock:  --talk about bleaching your skin!---and without remedy. It is permanent, but only happens to some people; I don't know why--perhaps variable chemistries (other drugs with or) of individual blood. Don't risk it! It's off topic, but it's on that goofy web page link, so....

#2, My family had members as performers in the circus, way back, and lots of people had to "pay their dues" for "fame"(or just their keep).  :( There were NO child protection laws then. Things...happened very commonly.

One thing I do know about boys who get raped---they don't hop onto a stage and dance. No singing either, no matter how they are threatened or whipped. I am not saying she's lying---I said it was "crap"---some crap she was made  :( to believe that she witnessed...

NO one would have gone on the Sullivan (or any) show where it was rumored that this happens first!!!! :roll: Would YOU?

MJ was still back in Indiana at 5, wasn't he? Doing PTA shows and stuff.

Besides, Joseph would NOT have stood for THAT BULLcrap on FIVE of his little boys?????

OH, NO.  :evil:

NO!  :evil:  Not even if it had been in the 1700's. NO. Joseph would have knocked some serious blocks off, or died trying. There would have been blood on the dancefloor for DANG certain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm right about this.
Don't believe everything you hear about "Dad". He loves his boys! His broad shoulders keep taking the bad rap for contoversies' sakes! It sells!! He is a TRIP! No one can play a crusty old man better than an old Showman... 8-) Remember, It was HIS dreaming  ;) that kickstarted, enabled and honed the 1st version of the talent given to the world!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on January 26, 2010, 11:17:52 PM
Quote from: "Suzi~Ses~Its~Right"
The last thing i want to do is offend anyone that will never be my intention but this is starting to really freak me out now. I feel like i have stepped into the twilight zone. When Michael 'died' as soon as the news came on my son and myself, even my elderly mother all said 'he's hoaxed it he isnt dead' and that has remained my beliefe since 25th June. I started where most started with MJHD. The investigation was what i considered making brilliant headway, the clues we found were plausable, believeable and most importantly made sense. But now ... im sorry but i feel the plot has well and truley been lost. We have had people out there in cyber land liking Michael to Jesus, treating him like a messiah. Sorry im not a christian but this kinda makes my flesh creep. Yes Michael was the biggest star OUR generation ever knew, he was a dedicated humanaterian, he beleived in the fact that this earth is NOT ours but on loan to us for our children and their children( with you on that on Mike 101%) But to make Michael Godley????? sorry that just screams WRONG!!!!!
And now this .. im starting to feel like Alice who fell down the rabbit hole. Im just waiting for the march hair to tell me to follow the rabbit to Micheal, where i will find him having tea with the mad hatter while debating to swallow the contents of a bottle labled drink me.. Whatever you do mike DONT BURN THE TARTS!!
i REALLY have had enough of living in the matrix so im gonna opt for the Red Pill and wake up back to sanity. And look for Logical reasons as to why Michael would hoax his death.
Oh and Michael if your reading this, come move next door to me cos you will always be the shy cute boy next door type and not the untouchable, unreachable, megga superstar messiah figure.
Hey!  :lol:  :o Your sig matches my key chain!  8-)  And, guess what! you  :o are closer than you think to the truth, I think!!

There is something about MJ coming back not before Alice In Wonderland is out.  I expect THAT (NEW) movie to be FULL of clues ! Clues, maybe about mental programming  or what ever else this hoax is about....MJ has a WAY of getting fingers into many pies. He's magical! 8-)  :lol:  :D

 :) Don't leave---we are getting closer to the truth, I believe. (Not that MJ is Jesus---he's LIKE him alright, but, Jesus said He was GOD----Michael hasn't said ANYTHING like that. Some people are confused, because there are so many Jesuses out there. The real one SAID there would be many fakes, before He came back...it is important to know the real one, even if you're NOT a christian. Knowing the real one will change you, in ways you wouldn't believe if I tried to tell you!) The clues are coming closer together, I think.  ;) And, yes, it DO feel like the Twilight Zone---almost every other day here! Who did not love THAT wild ride of a show??!!! :lol:  :shock:  8-)
This NEVER happened before---ever!  8-) We never had a real time vehicle for information like this. If you don't watch every day, you'll MISS something!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D  There IS method to the madness! It's ALL very logical---we just have to see it tied together.... ;)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: *Mo* on January 27, 2010, 12:50:14 AM
Quote from: "Its her"
[I will not post the excerpt from this chapter here as it is very explicit and upsetting but if you want to read what this woman says she witnessed in the book she wrote click the link.

Brice Taylor, Mind Control Victim Writes About Michael Jackson

Thanks for the Memories - The Truth Has Set Me Free
by Brice Taylor

Chapter Twenty-one: The Hollywood Connection
Michael Jackson

This IS upsetting ---and  :)  :| no offense to the poster: CRAP, as is alot of the occult and other things on that link/ page.  :!: Two very important things:  #1, her ad for colloidal silver---if you use this just enough, your skin will turn a sick blue green   :shock:  --talk about bleaching your skin!---and without remedy. It is permanent, but only happens to some people; I don't know why--perhaps variable chemistries (other drugs with or) of individual blood. Don't risk it! It's off topic, but it's on that goofy web page link, so....

#2, My family had members as performers in the circus, way back, and lots of people had to "pay their dues" for "fame"(or just their keep).  :( There were NO child protection laws then. Things...happened very commonly.

One thing I do know about boys who get raped---they don't hop onto a stage and dance. No singing either, no matter how they are threatened or whipped. I am not saying she's lying---I said it was "crap"---some crap she was made  :( to believe that she witnessed...

NO one would have gone on the Sullivan (or any) show where it was rumored that this happens first!!!! :roll: Would YOU?

MJ was still back in Indiana at 5, wasn't he? Doing PTA shows and stuff.

Besides, Joseph would NOT have stood for THAT BULLcrap on FIVE of his little boys?????

OH, NO.  :evil:

NO!  :evil:  Not even if it had been in the 1700's. NO. Joseph would have knocked some serious blocks off, or died trying. There would have been blood on the dancefloor for DANG certain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm right about this.
Don't believe everything you hear about "Dad". He loves his boys! His broad shoulders keep taking the bad rap for contoversies' sakes! It sells!! He is a TRIP! No one can play a crusty old man better than an old Showman... 8-) Remember, It was HIS dreaming  ;) that kickstarted, enabled and honed the 1st version of the talent given to the world!

Well Its her, I'd like to advice you to do some more research before making such statements again, that's all I have to say for now.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: bad_girl on January 27, 2010, 01:56:51 AM
so now everybody is saying that MJ was raped??? HMMM I wonder how educational that is, if not upsetting, for the many "youngsters" on this forum??
ya know what? again this is pure speculation, just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the friggin' gospel....
 because it fits the theory of mind control and illuminati???  no matter how much research, there is absolutely NO PROOF
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: *Mo* on January 27, 2010, 02:16:19 AM
Quote from: "bad_girl"
so now everybody is saying that MJ was raped??? HMMM I wonder how educational that is, if not upsetting, for the many "youngsters" on this forum??
ya know what? again this is pure speculation, just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the friggin' gospel....
 because it fits the theory of mind control and illuminati???  no matter how much research, there is absolutely NO PROOF

Indeed, no proof, it's a THEORY.  It's called looking at the big picture, thinking outside the box, connecting dots.  If you can debunk our theory, well argumented, PLEASE do so.  There's nothing I would want more...
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: ~Souza~ on January 27, 2010, 06:49:29 AM
Quote from: "Its her"
Besides, Joseph would NOT have stood for THAT BULLcrap on FIVE of his little boys?????

OH, NO.  :evil:

NO!  :evil:  Not even if it had been in the 1700's. NO. Joseph would have knocked some serious blocks off, or died trying. There would have been blood on the dancefloor for DANG certain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm right about this.
Don't believe everything you hear about "Dad". He loves his boys! His broad shoulders keep taking the bad rap for contoversies' sakes! It sells!! He is a TRIP! No one can play a crusty old man better than an old Showman... 8-) Remember, It was HIS dreaming  ;) that kickstarted, enabled and honed the 1st version of the talent given to the world!

First of all, I never pointed fingers and I still won't, but the statement you make above is making me jump out of my panties here.

Joe was the one beating his children so bad, that Katherine was afraid he would kill one of them one day. Mike repeatedly stated he was scared stiff of him and had to vomit whenever he saw him when he had to perform, even when he was an adult.

I am not here to bash anyone of the Jackson family, but what you stated is not something I can fully agree with. Maybe he loves them, but he has a BAAAAAAAD way of showing them. I don't like the guy at all, he gives me creeps.  
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MichaelJackson123 on January 27, 2010, 08:56:45 AM
to the raping thing:

1. how as a black boy you could get so famous? Come on, the whole Hollywood/music industry thing is based on sinister people helping with your career..that one song  from eminem said it all:
and also Jermaine said in an conspiracy video(arabic) that there were people who told Michael that they created his career and in a fix could bring him down again...powerful people...

2. also: strange: Maybe it was Reagan as president, he invited Michael to the White House and Michael was VERY afraid, he always asked: "Where are the children"?I dont wanna say Michael was strange these whole years but some points must be noted to his behaviour...

3. then why is Obama so famous?
he comes from the bloodline family, he has the licence to kill(lol)...if you think the Illus are clever, then they of course must have thought about convincing the masses that color does is not important to become a president, and here we have the O*ama.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: *Mo* on January 27, 2010, 10:26:46 AM
Quote from: "MichaelJackson123"
2. also: strange: Maybe it was Reagan as president, he invited Michael to the White House and Michael was VERY afraid, he always asked: "Where are the children"?I dont wanna say Michael was strange these whole years but some points must be noted to his behaviour...

Reagen?  Reagen was president until January 20, 1989, so I'd like to know which children are you referring to..?
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: bad_girl on January 27, 2010, 12:22:38 PM
when MJ met president reagan, he was promised he didn't have to be amongst adults but instead there would be plenty of children..... this was written in the taraborelli book, don't know if it's true..it's all hearsay, but at the time he said he didn't feel comfortable with adults (also hearsay from the book!!)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: karmaknowstruth on January 27, 2010, 02:23:50 PM
I'd like to take this to a different perspective, a perspective of further understanding as I see it.
Yes, I don't care for Joe either as I didn't care for many adults with his behavior when I was growing up in the 50's.  Back then in the 50's raising children to be submissive (brainwashing) was the normal thing - spanking in schools allowed, children should be seen and not heard, etc. It was the way to keep children below the level of adults to keep order and the discipline was even worse in generations before that.

Does anyone know if Joe Jackson was in the military?

The Jackson kids and myself are also "baby boomers" which means we are children of fathers who served in the military for WWII and the Korean War.  That was a time of strict rules within the family structure to keep life in order.  I had an uncle who physically and mentally abused my 4 cousins.  They then became abusive adults, got into the drug culture or alternative sexual orientation and as adults have struggled to recover.  We all have those stories to tell.

Being in the military is devastating to the mind.  Even the short 6 weeks in boot camp is a mind fuck. If Joe Jackson was not in the military remember that he is of the era where
Racism was a dis-heartening huge part of life in America. Blacks were made to ride at the back of the bus or not allowed in most eateries. He and his family are a textbook example of the initial mind control experiments.  Joe's great grand parents are direct descendants of slavery so he had an innate chip on his shoulder.  So with that in mind his dream to bring his family out of and above I would imagine he used the only tools he knew how to use. It is horrible, but parents do the best they can with what they know.  I see his children are exceptionally good people who with stood the abuse and broke the chains.  I'm guessing they all have at some time or another been in counseling as some of us also have.  So they seem a bit nutty.  If they were not in the public eye we wouldn't have a reason to notice.  Michael just happens to be the most examined

Lucky for the Jackson boys they had a religious mother which gave them a foundation of mental balance while growing up, but as we are finding out religion in fact is another form of mind control - these kids are lucky to have had any sense of original self left.  What's most important I believe it was the family love and focus of the dream that held things together.  There's that word LOVE again.  There's that word DREAM again.


Point I'm trying to make is we are all born clean with a free conscious mind, but then we have been brainwashed by mind control fucking up our innate goodness.
We all still have a subconscious sixth sensitivity to the subliminal mind control, which is the true reason that make us question our behavior especially when we do or say things that hurt others.  The inner confusion (good vs. evil) keeps us off balance, not centered.  If we get away with crime we repeat it.  Example, if we get away with being mean to a sibling, we learn their weak place so we repeat it. What I know, have seen of Michael Jackson, I see a person who has learned to resist being shoved off balance.  His life was literally kidnapped by the hands of the dark side, but his belief and foundation of love kept him on the better path.  It's all about LOVE he says.  Forgiving his father and other abusers is a great example of the power of inner love.  Is that his message?  What do you guys think?  Can OUR LOVE heal the world?

In conclusion I THINK IS VERY IMPORTANT TO REALIZE THAT WE ALL ARE THE PRODUCT OF MIND CONTROL. "THEY" (the enemy, the dark force, the illuminati, Satan, the mutherfuckers, etc)  HAVE TAUGHT US TO MIND FUCK OURSELVES !!!

 (“THEY” are the illuminati) note that I refuse to capitalize that title even though spell check tries to.


1. Why people of different races have hate for each other - "THEY” want that.

2. Why countries want to fight against and kill each other - depopulation of course

3. why people point fingers thinking they are above others

4. Why your clothes or car or house is better than the next guy

5. Why people think their GOD can beat up another GOD

6. Why people think Dave Dave is repulsive and ugly - media brainwashing for perfection

7. Why people want to dissect the good, bad and reasons of others

(Did you ever wonder why Michael wore a lot of armor type clothing?) hummm.....


I want to continue being a part of this forum.
I struggle at home to practice LOVE.
It's not easy to de-program myself and fight Darth Vader.
I'm so pissed off "We the People" have been lied to and have to de-program.
The de-programming is the biggest challenge for entrance into our future.
Sometimes when I read the posts and see the nit picking it brings me down, and then I have to struggle back up again.

Keep on practicing LOVE.  We will get there.

Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: ~Souza~ on January 27, 2010, 02:51:44 PM

Thank you for your great post!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Believe 777 on January 27, 2010, 03:42:38 PM
This a a great post Karmaknowstruth, I can relate to your words so well.
I especially like this part... ;)

5. Why people think their GOD can beat up another GOD
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: misha86 on January 27, 2010, 11:38:15 PM
good post. i also want to point out that MK ultra started in the military so if he was that would make sense the he started the kids out early with the mk stuff because he knew about it already..that is also a reason why i think alot of singers are "military brats"

And as far as brices story, im not sure if she is telling the truth BUT when someone is under mind control they dont know what is going on so if they trigger an alter and that is the one that is molested then they trigger the regular mike or performer mike he would not know what just happened. that is the whole point. he would of had to get deprogrammed or it wore off for someone to remember what had happened in all the alters
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: DeaCarvalho on January 27, 2010, 11:44:42 PM
I was reading every little word written in all here. For now I just wanna thank you karmaknowstruth. I make your words mine.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MichaelJackson123 on January 28, 2010, 08:02:23 AM
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "MichaelJackson123"
2. also: strange: Maybe it was Reagan as president, he invited Michael to the White House and Michael was VERY afraid, he always asked: "Where are the children"?I dont wanna say Michael was strange these whole years but some points must be noted to his behaviour...

Reagen?  Reagen was president until January 20, 1989, so I'd like to know which children are you referring to..?

I dont know who the children were...but Michael expected them  and closed himself up in the toilet..he was scared....wasnt it in 1984?
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MichaelJackson123 on January 28, 2010, 08:17:31 AM
Also: the mind-control didnt start in this century, but long before...anyone heard about the spanish inquisition and the so called "witch hunt"? Thye started there and all the way through the 2 World war..yes, people were in concentration camps and worked..but what most forget= children and adults were also misused with experiments..I heard about Dr. Mengele who had help to escape to America and make much more experiments there with people..brainwash to the highest level...does anybody remember Marilyn Monroe?
What she had at home were mirrors...mirrors...her psychiatry told her to do so...he was called "Mr. Green one day and the other Mr. Blue"..(some M. quotes from memoirs)...
Man in the mirror has some disturbing elements for me..it reminds me always of  Snowwhite..her second mom always asked the mirror who the beautifullest woman was on earth...brainwash from the Grimm brothers..
Sorry to some of you if you dont get my point..i am thinking in different ways at the same time with coming with much more possibilities.....
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on February 01, 2010, 10:42:54 PM
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Quote from: "Its her"
Besides, Joseph would NOT have stood for THAT BULLcrap on FIVE of his little boys?????

OH, NO.  :evil:

NO!  :evil:  Not even if it had been in the 1700's. NO. Joseph would have knocked some serious blocks off, or died trying. There would have been blood on the dancefloor for DANG certain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm right about this.
Don't believe everything you hear about "Dad". He loves his boys! His broad shoulders keep taking the bad rap for controversies' sakes! It sells!! He is a TRIP! No one can play a crusty old man better than an old Showman... 8-) Remember, It was HIS dreaming  ;) that kickstarted, enabled and honed the 1st version of the talent given to the world!

First of all, I never pointed fingers and I still won't, but the statement you make above is making me jump out of my panties here.

Joe was the one beating his children so bad, that Katherine was afraid he would kill one of them one day. Mike repeatedly stated he was scared stiff of him and had to vomit whenever he saw him when he had to perform, even when he was an adult.

I am not here to bash anyone of the Jackson family, but what you stated is not something I can fully agree with. Maybe he loves them, but he has a BAAAAAAAD way of showing them. I don't like the guy at all, he gives me creeps.  

Yikes! Souza—we can’t have you jumping out of your panties!  I’m sorry—I tried to post last week and it got vaporized as I submitted it---I guess I timed out or something, because it asked me to login, too, when I was. I was coming down with something nasty which dropped me 4 days--so I didn’t retry, then, but I did want to respond…

Let me just clear this up also, as I believe Mo questioned something I said, not certain what exactly, but, I believe we ARE on the same side as far as this being a real practice.They used to call this the casting couch, and wanted people to believe it was only happening to women.

 I just said that the facts as presented by the woman who wrote that book are not the truth, exactly. Victims would be in no condition to get up and dance right after this horror. There are injuries. Vomiting. Hysterics. And NO righteously fed up self respecting Black man in the 1960s will permit his sons to pay THAT price for fame and fortune. NO. :x  

There IS child rape, both for secret initiation, religious cult purposes for perverse sport or predatory kicks. I read reports every day about the victims and the twisted "Fs" who do their own little boys. This did not happen as the woman said, and further, I believe MJ's personality changed far later in life than this---after or during the filming of his "Moonwalker". But NOT saying what happened was anything sexual or  humiliating. I'm not comfortable gossiping about his sex life --just that I don't believe MJ was ever raped.

Joseph Jackson gives a lot of people the creeps, right now.  ;)  8-) From my purposeful perspective, that’s the official story, and they (the Jackson clan) are stickin’ to it. I know it seems like a stretch---because he’s so convincing, but I really believe he was commissioned by the Master “MJician”, himself for this role in the HOAX. Just listen for a minute and see if you can see how this could be at all.

Despite everything we’ve heard of the physical abuse, the older siblings say that they would never say Michael was lying, but they said his tender perspective was skewed, and what he was experiencing was just the “old school” discipline they ALL got—tough but not child abuse.

Yes, they hated it, and couldn’t wait to jump ship from where “Joseph” ruled his domain with an iron fist, but even the girls said it was just a different generation; a different era; a different child rearing methodology for behaviour modification. I think Michael’s high IQ couldn’t make ANY sense of such heavy-handedness from his young point of view---he had NO concept of his dad’s EQ---the emotional quotient saturated with the holy terror that probably dogged their dad all the time they were in Gary---about the crap shoot of a future of all those babies. Fear can make you mean.

My own family life supports this as true. We were hit with whatever, a leather strap (until it “disappeared” ;) ), a hair brush. Mostly a special whipping switch of our own choosing from the backyard tree, with the added benefit of being able to contribute to and anticipate the “learning experience” with desperate, darting thoughts and pre-strike sobbing.

 It was just another generation’s mindset on discipline. My dad’s favourite saying while he was driving, to shout into the back seat at us, when I was about 7, was, “Do you want a broken arm?”  I would see kids at school in casts and surmise they had been bad.  :oops:  

Over the top? Yes. (Archaic? Yes, for 7,000 years) but none of us died, and we didn’t get hit for something we couldn’t help---like missing dance steps---but, then, we didn’t have the same potential choice of futures , either!!  

I don’t support hitting little people.

Sometimes mean big people need a good slap, but that’s not my job, either. I’m simply explaining the firsthand experience. My parents didn’t leave marks on us. It was more hurtful to one’s feelings than flesh.

My wild 13 year old sister actually ASKED for the “rope”, many times instead of being grounded all week for sneaking out at night. My cousins got “forked” when they were “bad”.  Every family of that era had SOME violent “treatment” to curb rebellion. Heck, at school they hit us with rulers! And a small minded nun slapped my face for writing my name in red crayon on my homework. Kids know which end is up, and are more resilient than people think.  Sometimes, learning about how those in power can be unbalanced and dangerous, is a valuable lesson.

With regard to the latest from MJ’s own lips about being oiled naked, and whipped…none of us was there, and I submit to you that neither Joseph nor MJ was there, either!  :shock:

We are talking about a very frightening subject; mind control and programming, and these very vivid movies could have been PLANTED in MJ’s mind at any time, after he first appeared on some puppetmaster’s radar, could they not?  All or none of what he’s said over the years could be real! He’s said it himself: if you hear a lie enough, it becomes real to you.

Lives have been ruined just by allowing children to be talked into beliefs by the family shrink. NEVER leave your child alone with a head doctor—even if the interview is court ordered.

We all know what happens to your reality when you are sleep deprived. The average teenager knows more now than doctors knew in the 60s.  Aside from exposing the kids to riff-raff, drunks and naked ladies prematurely, Joe didn’t know any better when he was waking his boys up, mid-sleep-cycle and carting them all over the place like trick animals. Who knows what nightmares were interrupted and filed away as true events, just because of the way the fatigued brain tries to MAKE things work, when they don’t?

And---think about this---this may be why MJ keeps saying that the music makes him do things—touch himself way more than he realized he ever did it. He’s been programmed to dance very “hands-on” very unconsciously,  INADVERTENTLY while he was in that OPEN alpha–state, beholding squirming “ladies” drawing attention to the goods, themselves, to resounding hoots and hollers.

 I think he did it for years innocently, where all he COULD do was “hum along and dance” to that piper. It was SO ingrained as natural, that even though he was alone having no one to talk to about this, he held his ground, stubbornly and with much confusion and anxiety, as his church elders tried to make him feel dirty about it. They didn’t mind receiving his money, as long as they were permitted to bend his mind. Just because it isn’t called “Programming” or “mind control”, does not mean it isn’t.  

IMHO, twisted philosophies do far more damage to someone than corporal punishment.

If my dad had stripped me down, oiled me and whipped ME, I would have left home at 8, or made a blithering idiot out of him as he slept!!!!!!!!!! NO, no- no- no.  I would have made that situation safe for myself, somehow or other.

MJ lived at home, in that situation, until his 30s. What is wrong with this picture? Even MJ has leaked things to the press which are contrived for effect, and only about 2/3 of all the stuff in even good books is remotely true about him.

I think that Michael himself doubts his own recollection of a lot of things. I’ve heard him say at least twice, that he can’t believe Joseph is the same man who raised him like a tyrant. He said he’s just as gentle and sweet with 25 years of grandkids as any sweet old grandpa.  Ditto, in my house, too. A- MAZING!  

Even though he sounded wistful, wondering WHY oh WHY  this nice guy wasn’t HIS dad, when they were younger, he didn’t seem to harbor ill will. And, he DOESN'T harbor ill will.
This might seem impossible to accept, but he actually loves his dad, and his dad has always loved him. Joseph knew what was really happening during the molestation trial. He was helplessly TERRIFIED for Michael.
So…NOW he gets to be a player in this hoax!  Does anyone remember how the J 5’s dad and mom were in the 70s?  He cleans up NICE.  :D I’ve seen interviews and family movies, where Joe and Katherine present quite :!:  the united front: in love with each other, and proud of their large family of talent.  Imagine!  Loosely quoting Mr. Spock, “A civilized man is able to pass for a Barbarian, but a Barbarian hasn’t the where withal to assume the persona of that which he has no concept”

I’m telling you, this persona he has adopted is a contrivance!! :lol:  Joe has been scripted to be this distracting, exasperating  :lol: old curmudgeon, who forgets to turn his cell phone off on Larry King Live, and who pesters his millionaire son for money,

and refers to him as his Brand Name instead of his first name---always.

He is a planted distraction, a misdirection, so Michael can move around undetected. Every so often someone in the family appears newsworthy, and sometimes it is HIS turn! His antics are nothing to be angry about---he is a character! He’s funny, and I think he is going for it! Look at him good , next time he comes out to play!! 8-)
Controversies make those Jacksons newsworthy, like NONE of their charitable endeavors have.

The very LAST thing Michael Jackson, King of Pop needs right now, is to be out of sight, out of mind! :roll:  :|

He MUST  8-) pepper himself into the news, regularly, to build suspense. It’s ALL right on schedule.  

MJ himself, forgiver and lover extraordinaire has briefed “Daddy” specifically on what his role of distraction is to be, and he plays it to the hilt! You know…it could be the
last big showbiz performance in the guys life—he’s 80ish—and it just makes Michael’s kind heart shine so much more to be so inclusive , “after all”, with “Papa Joe” in his Greatest Show On Earth.
 :cry:  :D
Whenever I get tempted to think MJ isn’t coming back,  :oops:  :oops:  :oops: this could be a selfish escape on his part to drum up big bucks without having to show his face, I think about how kind and generous he is being to his dad. It warms the heart all over again, and shames me.

At first, I was just willing to give Joe the benefit of the doubt, but I’ve seen too much, now. The family doesn’t treat him privately as they do publicly!  He’s FAKE taking it on the chin for Mikey to fly high with this extravaganza, behind the scenes…. Joseph IS one of the Jackson Players!    I probably haven't changed your mind....but I hope you'll at least take another look at Joe when he's acting up.  ;)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on February 03, 2010, 11:52:25 PM
Quote from: "MichaelJackson123"
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "MichaelJackson123"
2. also: strange: Maybe it was Reagan as president, he invited Michael to the White House and Michael was VERY afraid, he always asked: "Where are the children"?I dont wanna say Michael was strange these whole years but some points must be noted to his behaviour...

Reagen?  Reagen was president until January 20, 1989, so I'd like to know which children are you referring to..?

I dont know who the children were...but Michael expected them  and closed himself up in the toilet..he was scared....wasnt it in 1984?

These kids were the offspring of White House staff, who heard MJ was going to be at their Dad/ Mom's work, and asked if they could be present, or MJ himself inquired as to whether kids would be there for this award he was receiving... I mean, really---what's the point of your parents having a job rubbing elbows with the president and his staff, if they don't even bring you to work when MICHAEL JACKSON visits???!!
 Everybody kind of shooed them out of the way, and since MJ had been told there would be kids there to meet him, and they were NO where to be found, he flipped out!  :o  :( Politicians are known liars and assassins. Maybe that was the wrong word...but, SOMEthing really spooked him so bad, that when they PROMISED him they'd go round up the kids, he STILL wouldn't come out until they promised that ALL the adults would leave the room, too!! He could have been spooked about ole Nancy, who was known to have dabbled in the occult---he was still with the church, then....who knows?

I can't remember where I read this--I believe about 2/3 of the story. MJ fears only one thing that I've ever "witnessed" or read about, and this situation was not it. I don't think he was afraid of the adults---I think  ;) he was giving them a magic "treatment " for jerking him around! He Poof! made all the adults disappear!  :lol:   :lol:  :twisted: Maybe he thought the kids wouldn't be real, but would be suppressed in their enthusiasm, by the influence of their parents.... ;)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on February 07, 2010, 06:36:00 AM
Quote from: "karmaknowstruth"
I'd like to take this to a different perspective, a perspective of further understanding as I see it.
Yes, I don't care for Joe either as I didn't care for many adults with his behavior when I was growing up in the 50's.  Back then in the 50's raising children to be submissive (brainwashing) was the normal thing - spanking in schools allowed, children should be seen and not heard, etc. It was the way to keep children below the level of adults to keep order and the discipline was even worse in generations before that.

Does anyone know if Joe Jackson was in the military?

The Jackson kids and myself are also "baby boomers" which means we are children of fathers who served in the military for WWII and the Korean War.  That was a time of strict rules within the family structure to keep life in order.  I had an uncle who physically and mentally abused my 4 cousins.  They then became abusive adults, got into the drug culture or alternative sexual orientation and as adults have struggled to recover.  We all have those stories to tell.

Being in the military is devastating to the mind.  Even the short 6 weeks in boot camp is a mind fuck. If Joe Jackson was not in the military remember that he is of the era where
Racism was a dis-heartening huge part of life in America. Blacks were made to ride at the back of the bus or not allowed in most eateries. He and his family are a textbook example of the initial mind control experiments.  Joe's great grand parents are direct descendants of slavery so he had an innate chip on his shoulder.  So with that in mind his dream to bring his family out of and above I would imagine he used the only tools he knew how to use. It is horrible, but parents do the best they can with what they know.  I see his children are exceptionally good people who with stood the abuse and broke the chains.  I'm guessing they all have at some time or another been in counseling as some of us also have.  So they seem a bit nutty.  If they were not in the public eye we wouldn't have a reason to notice.  Michael just happens to be the most examined

Lucky for the Jackson boys they had a religious mother which gave them a foundation of mental balance while growing up, but as we are finding out religion in fact is another form of mind control - these kids are lucky to have had any sense of original self left.  What's most important I believe it was the family love and focus of the dream that held things together.  There's that word LOVE again.  There's that word DREAM again.


Point I'm trying to make is we are all born clean with a free conscious mind, but then we have been brainwashed by mind control fucking up our innate goodness.
We all still have a subconscious sixth sensitivity to the subliminal mind control, which is the true reason that make us question our behavior especially when we do or say things that hurt others.  The inner confusion (good vs. evil) keeps us off balance, not centered.  If we get away with crime we repeat it.  Example, if we get away with being mean to a sibling, we learn their weak place so we repeat it. What I know, have seen of Michael Jackson, I see a person who has learned to resist being shoved off balance.  His life was literally kidnapped by the hands of the dark side, but his belief and foundation of love kept him on the better path.  It's all about LOVE he says.  Forgiving his father and other abusers is a great example of the power of inner love.  Is that his message?  What do you guys think?  Can OUR LOVE heal the world?

In conclusion I THINK IS VERY IMPORTANT TO REALIZE THAT WE ALL ARE THE PRODUCT OF MIND CONTROL. "THEY" (the enemy, the dark force, the illuminati, Satan, the mutherfuckers, etc)  HAVE TAUGHT US TO MIND FUCK OURSELVES !!!

 (“THEY” are the illuminati) note that I refuse to capitalize that title even though spell check tries to.


1. Why people of different races have hate for each other - "THEY” want that.

2. Why countries want to fight against and kill each other - depopulation of course

3. why people point fingers thinking they are above others

4. Why your clothes or car or house is better than the next guy

5. Why people think their GOD can beat up another GOD

6. Why people think Dave Dave is repulsive and ugly - media brainwashing for perfection

7. Why people want to dissect the good, bad and reasons of others

(Did you ever wonder why Michael wore a lot of armor type clothing?) hummm.....


I want to continue being a part of this forum.
I struggle at home to practice LOVE.
It's not easy to de-program myself and fight Darth Vader.
I'm so pissed off "We the People" have been lied to and have to de-program.
The de-programming is the biggest challenge for entrance into our future.
Sometimes when I read the posts and see the nit picking it brings me down, and then I have to struggle back up again.

Keep on practicing LOVE.  We will get there.


I LOVE your observation (amongst other thoughts, herein) about MJ having learned to resist being shoved off balance!!  I LOVE that about him---he's SOOOO strong! I never met or observed ANYone SO "centered" as you say, and SO confident. I know some strong people---but they waver on occasion. It's hit or miss.  

He NEVER expresses self doubt EVER. EVER. NEVER.

I thought, maybe that THAT was something programmed into him at Disney, somehow---as a "fail-safe" directive to continual success--because it's just not natural to have this attribute. We are taught so, SO young, to doubt ourselves, compare ourselves, or be compared to others, etc., and as you said, we are placed under the thumbs of authority/control with degrading methods-------HOW do you think MJ learned this? [This "skill" of his has mezmerized me since I first caught him doing this as a youth!] He fears nothing (he may show respect to people of note , but he mentally kowtows to NO one).

He never explains the how--just says to do it: believe in yourself, don't let anyone turn you around, etc. WHAT makes it stick??  Or, in other words, HOW did he DE-program all the BS laid down before one can even talk back, so that he's not constantly fighting it??  

He intrigues me to no end--just about THIS--forget all the cuteness and talent and gifts that I love. I want to know THIS trick!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean how to make it stick, always. Does anyone know a place where he has SAID how he became SO resistant to everything from outside?
[I would teach this to every person in my path if it was teachable----HINT: Yet another reason MJ MUST come back!  Maybe he actually has a PLAN to accomplish MASSIVE de-programming, eh?  THAT would be all for LOVE!!  And---it would be "the greatest demonstration of FREEDOM in history"....]

I know it has something to do with him always posing with his arms out--it's almost as if he's DARING something to try to rattle him, showing IT that he is unbreakable...but, where did he get this?  He does this  **ALL**   the time, as if he's trying to envelop the entire world in his embrace, or as if he's been programmed to acknowledge that he's going for, or HAS accomplished another dream!

He's so cool, I almost can't stand the suspense!  And thank you for provoking alot of thoughts!
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Im_convincedmjalive on February 25, 2010, 09:08:18 PM
This thread is now going on 6 pages so I hope that people are truely waking up to this horrific REALITY!

The fact that the USA govt. has been using the MKULTRA mind control programming on ALL of us for as long as they have is the very reason many people can't see the TRUTH!

I believe very strongly in my soul that yes MJ was MIND CONTROLLED! And the ultimate level of that MIND CONTROL is THE ILLUMINATI and the way they program children and then cont. to do so as the children grow up into adulthood.

What was supposed to be innocent fun fantasy from Disney in my childhood has become a horrific reality of the most horrendous abuse on our societies minds.

They took my innocent child hood memories that I had.  Now I see how they have corrupted many youth and adults into still believing in the fantasy.

I realize that fantasy is just that, fantasy.

Many people have blurred the lines of fantasy into reality in their own lives as a way to escape it. Their lives.

I never bought into the Peter Pan character of MJ because to me it is just that a fantasy. Yet the Illuminati used it as a way to manipulate MJ and turn him into a freak.

The character fantasy manipulation of Peter Pan has cont. to manipulate many fans of MJ's to think he is Peter Pan and they ( fans) are Wendy. Or Tinkerbell.

I'm highly upset at the reality of these fans who cont. to refer to themselves in that way.
Or when they cont. to feed the corrupt image of MJ as Peter Pan.

I for one will never say to him "your my peter pan, can I be your wendy?"
That to me keeps the cycle of abuse going.

I am sure MJ is aware of what has happened and now he is using the bad for good.

I have another  opinion about who is trying to cont. to exploit MJ with this mind control of Peter Pan but, I refrain at the moment from saying a name.

After spending hours reading on the MKULTRA and how they traffic children and use them for programs I am sickened to this reality.

I am sickened to read how right under my nose here in Portland, OR at the train station is an underground tunnel system to traffic children into the MKULTRA program.

I have a 16 year old daughter and I do share the very harse reality with her about this very stuff. Of course I keep some things from her. Like the torture of the children. But, if I don't tell her who will?

She goes to school and she has to be aware of the evil  :evil: so she can run if she needs to.

Many parents need to inform the children so it doesn't happen to them.

I gotta stop now. I am blowing a vein in my head, LOL :lol:
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: mjfansince4 on February 25, 2010, 10:46:23 PM
ok. first off. mj is not a freak. i know you were using it in the sense that there are many in the public who see him that way (ignorant people) but he is not and never was. michael's the shit. it's a universal fact.

secondly, i dont know if i buy into this whole illuminati thing. i'm going to admit (so please don't get defensive) that i dont know much about it. it all seems really confusing to me. i know mind control has been used in governments across the world...but what is hard for me to grasp is that, if they try to mind control us, how come we're questioning it? i kinda think the fact that we're aware of such a thing and more people are starting to not buy into the media and its completely sensationalized and biased stories in a way proves this 'mind control' isn't really working per say.

i mean, i have to think about all the people throughout history (not just America's- but the world's) who have questioned and gone against what mainstream media was saying. I have heard of the stories where this mind control group was (perhaps) behind the deaths of the great legends of Martin Luther King Jr, JFK and Lennon. And while i'm not trying to demean the great and admirable work each of those did, there are numerous other people (not so famous) that have stood up and not been "killed" or forced into a hoax.

i may be way off but if this group wanted to control us (whether blatantly or secretly) i'd assume that they'd try harder to prevent people from their awareness.

sorry! i just wanted to throw my opinion out there. i think these theories and ideas of why this happened are excellent. it's forcing us to not take things at face value (something michael tried to tell us for years and years and years and years!!!) we'll only know when he tells us. and damn, that's going to be one HELL of a story.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Im_convincedmjalive on February 25, 2010, 11:24:08 PM

I understand that you realize I wasn't directly stating that my words of MJ being a freak was my opinion. I would like to clarify that now: Yes your absolutely right. That was not my thinking on that word at all. I do not think MJ is a freak. I think he is a genuis who has turned an ugly thing in his life full circle and is using it now for good.

What I was stating is that the whole take down of MJ and manipulating his image was a part of the Illuminati mind control process. Mind controlling him into believing he was Peter Pan was just another way for the Illuminati to turn his reputation into a freak show and thus make the public think he was a freak.

I haven't spoke much on this forum because I was researching alot of information on my own ( outside of this forum) about these very issues that are apart of the hoax and apart of our world.

Now that I have done extensive research and my eyes have been opened to the reality, I am now stating my beliefs.

I also would be considered a freak. If one was to know my whole life story and my lifestyle, you could very easily say that I am immoral and corrupt.

I truly believe in the theory of mind control and manipulation. I also truly believe in the DID theory. I not only believe it, I am a product of it.

I am not the byproduct of Monarch programming or MKULTRA or Illuminati programming. I am a product of child abuse, physical, mental, and emotional.

All of us posess the ability to seperate our mind and take it somewhere else when something horrific is happening to us. It is a natural thing that our mind does to protect us so we can continue to function.

I have been in many different situations where I was attacked and raped and my mind went somewhere else so I could not feel it in my soul. Only my body was present.

My mind had to seperate the terrible things so I could think rationally of how to survive the rapes and come out of them alive.

After some of those instances I went on to not only go back to what my job was but, did it the very same day or night.

I see many people here who doubt that the women who shared their stories couldn't be telling the truth. I am referring to the videos in this thread. Well, I have no doubt in my mind on how real their stories are.

I also know that many don't believe it would be possible for MJ to go on stage and perform right after a beating. Well, yes it is possible. I have done it myself.

I am not a celebrety so my life isn't in the spotlight and under a microscope but, I have had to play many characters. I get it.

I know that many here will also doubt my words and I am not here to convince anyone of my truth but, you ever hear of the Red light district? Since the age of 15 and I am now 41. If you understand what that term is then you will know what I am talking about.

Many on this forum are quick to discount these realities. That is apart of the mind control and the illusion of the Evil one ( the devils lies).

I am a spiritual person and I know that this isn't a flesh war. It is a spiritual war between good and evil.

I believe the reason that it is now becoming more open to the publics mind is because the truth will always outshine the lies.

Also hiding things in plain sight is easier to fool people. People think why would they do that and let it be known. It makes you confused and dissillusioned.

I hid many illegal acts in plain site.

Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Believe 777 on February 26, 2010, 04:12:58 AM
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"

I understand that you realize I wasn't directly stating that my words of MJ being a freak was my opinion. I would like to clarify that now: Yes your absolutely right. That was not my thinking on that word at all. I do not think MJ is a freak. I think he is a genuis who has turned an ugly thing in his life full circle and is using it now for good.

What I was stating is that the whole take down of MJ and manipulating his image was a part of the Illuminati mind control process. Mind controlling him into believing he was Peter Pan was just another way for the Illuminati to turn his reputation into a freak show and thus make the public think he was a freak.

I haven't spoke much on this forum because I was researching alot of information on my own ( outside of this forum) about these very issues that are apart of the hoax and apart of our world.

Now that I have done extensive research and my eyes have been opened to the reality, I am now stating my beliefs.

I also would be considered a freak. If one was to know my whole life story and my lifestyle, you could very easily say that I am immoral and corrupt.

I truly believe in the theory of mind control and manipulation. I also truly believe in the DID theory. I not only believe it, I am a product of it.

I am not the byproduct of Monarch programming or MKULTRA or Illuminati programming. I am a product of child abuse, physical, mental, and emotional.

All of us posess the ability to seperate our mind and take it somewhere else when something horrific is happening to us. It is a natural thing that our mind does to protect us so we can continue to function.

I have been in many different situations where I was attacked and raped and my mind went somewhere else so I could not feel it in my soul. Only my body was present.

My mind had to seperate the terrible things so I could think rationally of how to survive the rapes and come out of them alive.

After some of those instances I went on to not only go back to what my job was but, did it the very same day or night.

I see many people here who doubt that the women who shared their stories couldn't be telling the truth. I am referring to the videos in this thread. Well, I have no doubt in my mind on how real their stories are.

I also know that many don't believe it would be possible for MJ to go on stage and perform right after a beating. Well, yes it is possible. I have done it myself.

I am not a celebrety so my life isn't in the spotlight and under a microscope but, I have had to play many characters. I get it.

I know that many here will also doubt my words and I am not here to convince anyone of my truth but, you ever hear of the Red light district? Since the age of 15 and I am now 41. If you understand what that term is then you will know what I am talking about.

Many on this forum are quick to discount these realities. That is apart of the mind control and the illusion of the Evil one ( the devils lies).

I am a spiritual person and I know that this isn't a flesh war. It is a spiritual war between good and evil.

I believe the reason that it is now becoming more open to the publics mind is because the truth will always outshine the lies.

Also hiding things in plain sight is easier to fool people. People think why would they do that and let it be known. It makes you confused and dissillusioned.

I hid many illegal acts in plain site.


I don't doubt your words and your openess is heartwarming. I'm certain that there are many, many people who have experienced such trauma in their lives and thankfully people like you are showing great courage in sharing personal experiences in their lives. The mask is slowly being removed as those who have been victims are shedding light on the truth by baring their souls in innocence, whatever they've been controlled into doing. We don't always have freedom of choice, it becomes a matter of survival and we do what is necessary until we are strong enough to break free and talk, and fortunately we are now coming into a time where people's words are finally being heard and believed.  Hopefully this will encourage others to speak out. Thank you :)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: mjfansince4 on February 26, 2010, 01:17:00 PM
Quote from: "Believe 777"
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"

I understand that you realize I wasn't directly stating that my words of MJ being a freak was my opinion. I would like to clarify that now: Yes your absolutely right. That was not my thinking on that word at all. I do not think MJ is a freak. I think he is a genuis who has turned an ugly thing in his life full circle and is using it now for good.

What I was stating is that the whole take down of MJ and manipulating his image was a part of the Illuminati mind control process. Mind controlling him into believing he was Peter Pan was just another way for the Illuminati to turn his reputation into a freak show and thus make the public think he was a freak.

I haven't spoke much on this forum because I was researching alot of information on my own ( outside of this forum) about these very issues that are apart of the hoax and apart of our world.

Now that I have done extensive research and my eyes have been opened to the reality, I am now stating my beliefs.

I also would be considered a freak. If one was to know my whole life story and my lifestyle, you could very easily say that I am immoral and corrupt.

I truly believe in the theory of mind control and manipulation. I also truly believe in the DID theory. I not only believe it, I am a product of it.

I am not the byproduct of Monarch programming or MKULTRA or Illuminati programming. I am a product of child abuse, physical, mental, and emotional.

All of us posess the ability to seperate our mind and take it somewhere else when something horrific is happening to us. It is a natural thing that our mind does to protect us so we can continue to function.

I have been in many different situations where I was attacked and raped and my mind went somewhere else so I could not feel it in my soul. Only my body was present.

My mind had to seperate the terrible things so I could think rationally of how to survive the rapes and come out of them alive.

After some of those instances I went on to not only go back to what my job was but, did it the very same day or night.

I see many people here who doubt that the women who shared their stories couldn't be telling the truth. I am referring to the videos in this thread. Well, I have no doubt in my mind on how real their stories are.

I also know that many don't believe it would be possible for MJ to go on stage and perform right after a beating. Well, yes it is possible. I have done it myself.

I am not a celebrety so my life isn't in the spotlight and under a microscope but, I have had to play many characters. I get it.

I know that many here will also doubt my words and I am not here to convince anyone of my truth but, you ever hear of the Red light district? Since the age of 15 and I am now 41. If you understand what that term is then you will know what I am talking about.

Many on this forum are quick to discount these realities. That is apart of the mind control and the illusion of the Evil one ( the devils lies).

I am a spiritual person and I know that this isn't a flesh war. It is a spiritual war between good and evil.

I believe the reason that it is now becoming more open to the publics mind is because the truth will always outshine the lies.

Also hiding things in plain sight is easier to fool people. People think why would they do that and let it be known. It makes you confused and dissillusioned.

I hid many illegal acts in plain site.


I don't doubt your words and your openess is heartwarming. I'm certain that there are many, many people who have experienced such trauma in their lives and thankfully people like you are showing great courage in sharing personal experiences in their lives. The mask is slowly being removed as those who have been victims are shedding light on the truth by baring their souls in innocence, whatever they've been controlled into doing. We don't always have freedom of choice, it becomes a matter of survival and we do what is necessary until we are strong enough to break free and talk, and fortunately we are now coming into a time where people's words are finally being heard and believed.  Hopefully this will encourage others to speak out. Thank you :)

thank you for this post. it is very enlightening and i'm grateful for your research. i am truly sorry you had to go that. i wish you nothing but happiness and love. god bless.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on February 26, 2010, 06:16:46 PM
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"

I understand that you realize I wasn't directly stating that my words of MJ being a freak was my opinion. I would like to clarify that now: Yes your absolutely right. That was not my thinking on that word at all. I do not think MJ is a freak. I think he is a genuis who has turned an ugly thing in his life full circle and is using it now for good.

What I was stating is that the whole take down of MJ and manipulating his image was a part of the Illuminati mind control process. Mind controlling him into believing he was Peter Pan was just another way for the Illuminati to turn his reputation into a freak show and thus make the public think he was a freak.

I haven't spoke much on this forum because I was researching alot of information on my own ( outside of this forum) about these very issues that are apart of the hoax and apart of our world.

Now that I have done extensive research and my eyes have been opened to the reality, I am now stating my beliefs.

I also would be considered a freak. If one was to know my whole life story and my lifestyle, you could very easily say that I am immoral and corrupt.

I truly believe in the theory of mind control and manipulation. I also truly believe in the DID theory. I not only believe it, I am a product of it.

I am not the byproduct of Monarch programming or MKULTRA or Illuminati programming. I am a product of child abuse, physical, mental, and emotional.

All of us posess the ability to seperate our mind and take it somewhere else when something horrific is happening to us. It is a natural thing that our mind does to protect us so we can continue to function.

I have been in many different situations where I was attacked and raped and my mind went somewhere else so I could not feel it in my soul. Only my body was present.

My mind had to seperate the terrible things so I could think rationally of how to survive the rapes and come out of them alive.

After some of those instances I went on to not only go back to what my job was but, did it the very same day or night.

I see many people here who doubt that the women who shared their stories couldn't be telling the truth. I am referring to the videos in this thread. Well, I have no doubt in my mind on how real their stories are.

I also know that many don't believe it would be possible for MJ to go on stage and perform right after a beating. Well, yes it is possible. I have done it myself.

I am not a celebrety so my life isn't in the spotlight and under a microscope but, I have had to play many characters. I get it.

I know that many here will also doubt my words and I am not here to convince anyone of my truth but, you ever hear of the Red light district? Since the age of 15 and I am now 41. If you understand what that term is then you will know what I am talking about.

Many on this forum are quick to discount these realities. That is apart of the mind control and the illusion of the Evil one ( the devils lies).

I am a spiritual person and I know that this isn't a flesh war. It is a spiritual war between good and evil.

I believe the reason that it is now becoming more open to the publics mind is because the truth will always outshine the lies.

Also hiding things in plain sight is easier to fool people. People think why would they do that and let it be known. It makes you confused and dissillusioned.

I hid many illegal acts in plain site.


I loved your post. I too believe the mind control business is on a much broader scale than anyone imagines--just more subtle and even enlisting the victims eager cooperation as they accomplish this. None of us is out of their plans. The thing is, they move very slowly most of the time and it is not always detectible that something was done....
I especially liked that you get it that this is a spiritual warfare. Evil men/puppets being used by devils to crotch-grab at God..You are WAY ahead "in the game" (figure of speech; of course it's not a game)with just that piece to play!

BTW, You speak very genteel-ly (if that could be a word)  for someone who, so young became familiar with the harsh unforgiving realities of a red light district. I bought the cutest house there, in my own town,  where I now live and I've seen, heard  and know things I had NO concept of before this and I was 34 then!! The gals are so "under-developed", I mean personally,  and seem to be actually totally disinterested in becoming more, just killing their pain with chemicals, so, YOU are doing alright!  I find you to be very savvy and articulate.  8-)

I don't say these things to disparage the gals in my neighborhood;  it is just so sad to me to see anyone trapped in inertia, for ANY reason. It was just to tell you that's what I experienced, there, and you appear to be so different. I apologize if it seems prejudicial. I am still ignorant on some subjects, despite ever learning. There are some things you can't know unless you were IN it.

Thank you for sharing some of yourself, here. :)
I am sorry you had so much heartache in your life. You must be very specially equipped for some destiny here by God, to have raised such a red flag to so many devils---but then, look at MJ...They have deep hatred for anyone doing good, or anyone who has been gifted for doing something really dangerous to their little kingdom. Have you discovered your gift(s)? Are you blooming and shining out, somehow, now, ruining their PUTRID little rat's nest, as they tried to do to you?? I pray you are! 8-)  :D

I don't know if you meant one of my posts, when you said this, what I underlined, where I quoted you, above, but I don't remember anyone else saying anything like it, so I wish to tell you that I DO agree with you that MANY many people have gotten back up and done even monstrously hard labor after being badly beaten---just ask anyone who has had relatives who were slaves here in the good old (yeah...)usa...But I said and intended to mean that the victim of adult to child sodomy cannot and does not typically get up and dance as usual, even for TV--- doesn't matter how threatened or what is at stake. IF they COULD walk or run away somewhere, after such a thing, they WOULD.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Im_convincedmjalive on February 26, 2010, 07:03:56 PM
Hi to you all who have responded to my post with open eyes and love. :D

Thank you..

First I would like to say that the only reason I opened up like I did was because I felt it was necessary for people to realize that this does happen and a person like myself is on this forum.

I basically was giving a different perspective to the mind control aspect. The ladies in the videos aren't here on the forum to speak so I did.

I appreciate the responses and understanding. Please do not feel sorry for me. I am not a victim. I am a strong survivor. I also wasn't looking to gain any sympathy.

This is to Its her,

I wasn't necessarily directing my comment to you when I said it is possible to get up and perform after a beating. I was just putting it out there for all to see.

And I left out the sodomy on purpose. But, once again yes, it is possible. As aweful as it may seem to think about. Humans and especially children have great strength and resilence.

I understand what you mean about the girl's in the Red light district. I haven't always been this smart, LOL.  :lol:

It takes for God to snatch you out of the fires of hell to get to where I am now.

As for my gifts and what I am supposed to be used for by God, well I have been wondering this for a long time also. I still wonder. But, perhaps I just was used a little when I made my statement here,  ;)

I pray for all of the world to be healed.

Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: Its her on February 27, 2010, 12:36:05 PM
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"
Hi to you all who have responded to my post with open eyes and love. :D

Thank you..

First I would like to say that the only reason I opened up like I did was because I felt it was necessary for people to realize that this does happen and a person like myself is on this forum.

I basically was giving a different perspective to the mind control aspect. The ladies in the videos aren't here on the forum to speak so I did.

I appreciate the responses and understanding. Please do not feel sorry for me. I am not a victim. I am a strong survivor.

@  I also wasn't looking to gain any sympathy.

This is to Its her,
I wasn't necessarily directing my comment to you when I said it is possible to get up and perform after a beating. I was just putting it out there for all to see.

And I left out the sodomy on purpose. But, once again yes, it is possible. As aweful as it may seem to think about. Humans and especially children have great strength and resilence.

I understand what you mean about the girl's in the Red light district. I haven't always been this smart, LOL.  :lol:

@  It takes for God to snatch you out of the fires of hell to get to where I am now.

@  As for my gifts and what I am supposed to be used for by God, well I have been wondering this for a long time also. I still wonder. But, perhaps I just was used a little when I made my statement here,  ;)

@  I pray for all of the world to be healed.


 First, I am on a funky over-secure computer which is set so anally it won't let me use any enhancements to my text, except ones I know code to, Grrrr. I can't even underline anything.  But, anyway,

I could TELL you weren't looking for sympathy; you have a self-respect about you which comes through your posts. It is strangely calming even as you speak about creepy things.

Perhaps counselling is your gift! Not as a profession--but as a "Listening Ear" or even mentoring type capacity, some cities or women's organizations, or ministries have. We have too many so called "doctors" cluelessly, arrogantly messing with peoples'  heads, and the core of their beings, their hearts. Personal testimony is the only thing which cannot be refuted. It is killer, as far as helping someone else out. Maybe there are many websites also, to shine your light in. ( Get alone, and ASK the Lord! He will show you **right away**!, just as He led you to speak here!)

Praise the Living God, for snatching YOU out of this, as you said. And you were and ARE probably instrumentally utilized way more than you'll ever know, here, in your comments on the WWW(!) and other places in your local sphere, to provoke thought (and **hope**--THAT's Bible!) in others, and with your last line here, to PRAY for healing everywhere. I have definitely joined you, there :)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: truthprevails on November 21, 2010, 04:07:54 AM
Certain things (mind control among them) are RIPE for conspiracy theories - but I believe we should be careful with the things we allege about Michael, so that we don't start doing what the media do: make up stuff.  I do NOT believe that Michael was ever "programmed" (MK Ultra-ed) or sexually abused/sodomized.  

Some things to consider:
#1. Brice Taylor's account is just 1 account... For all we know, she could have mental issues.  It's a fact that some women that MJ doesn't know claim to have been married to him and had his babies.
#2. False memories can be created in people.  Remember the "truth serum" discussed in Jordie Chandler's case?
#3. "Programming" usually requires a controlled/isolated environment.  This is why experiments and mind control are most often conducted on POWs, soldiers, mentally ill (hospitalized) people etc.  Michael was never imprisoned anywhere, as far as I know.
#4. Michael hinted at a lot of things in his songs/speeches/interviews... pretty much everything that bothered him: lost childhood, Joe's whippings, Sony, Mottola, etc.  Had he endured horrific sexual abuse, don't you think he'd have created some angry songs lashing out at the industry?  Rihanna and Eminem, for instance, have hinted at some shady stuff going on in the "biz", but Michael never really did.  And I don't believe that he'd have no recollection of certain traumatic incidents, especially if they were repeated incidents!  And if he remembered, Joe's whippings would PALE in comparison...
#5.  If Joe sold Michael as a "sex slave", would Michael live at home, with his parents, till age 28 or so?  And wouldn't he keep more of a distance from Joe in time?  
#6. When someone suffers sexual abuse as a kid, the light goes out of them.  I only saw the light go out of Michael (and even then not completely) in the late 1990s or early 2000s... and more so after 2005.


#7. Programmed individuals go through some serious shit: memory loss (amnesia), incoherence, confusion, forgetting how to talk, forgetting people etc.  Michael was a busy and active man for his entire life, and you didn't see him spend a lot of time in rehab... He was NOT messed up.  Here's the timeline of his life, just to see how much this man did and accomplished:
http://mjjtimeline.blogspot.com/2009/08/1983.html (http://mjjtimeline.blogspot.com/2009/08/1983.html)

It would take much more than a woman's story to make me believe that MJ endured sexual abuse or "programming"... JMO.  This is highly disturbing stuff and I feel we shouldn't hypothesize in the absence of serious evidence.
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: truthprevails on November 21, 2010, 04:18:46 AM
Just one more thing:
I think we tend to forget just how ACTIVE/BUSY MJ was:
LOTS of traveling, lots of business meetings, lots of depositions to attend for various lawsuits (do we even remember or speak of the Marcel Avram lawsuit?)... Not to mention all the rehearsals, concerts, performances and world tours.  Changing time zones frequently can easily mess one up, in a variety of ways.  And if MJ suffered from insomnia on top of that, it could easily explain his being "out of it" on those occasions when he was.  He may have been exhausted, dehydrated, mentally or emotionally drained etc.  Drugs or mind control are not the only explanation.

I refer you again to this timeline (which doesn't even include everything):
http://mjjtimeline.blogspot.com/2009/08/1983.html (http://mjjtimeline.blogspot.com/2009/08/1983.html)
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: mssarahlovesmichael on December 28, 2010, 02:16:37 PM
yeah there certainly is an illuminati connection stanley kubrick was in it
Title: Re: A wizard of oz and cia illuminati connection!!!!!!!
Post by: MissG on December 28, 2010, 02:29:26 PM
I tried to read since this thread popped up....but, site warning  :roll:
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