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TIAI Update #4d: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder

4-32. Would a “Death Hoax” Murder Plot Convince the Family???

If there was a conspiracy to murder MJ (and don’t get me wrong, that is a very real possibility): what would be the point in all the complexity, trying to make it look like MJ faked his death?  Would they do all that, just to convince a few thousand hoax believers?  {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

More and more MJ fans are now thinking maybe MJ was murdered (including former hoax believers); so I guess it didn’t work very well, if they were trying to convince all the fans that it was a death hoax.

But far more even than the fans, the murderers would need to shield themselves from detection by the family; because the family would be motivated to catch the murderers, as much or more than most fans.  And in this case, several family members are already well known in the music industry (Jackson Five, Janet Jackson, etc).  So as much or more than any other family, the murderers would want to avoid detection by the Jackson family—because they have the influence to do something about it.

Now get ready for the murder-theory destroying question: if they planned a murder to look like a hoax, what is the likelihood that they could You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login in convincing the You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login that MJ faked his death???????

The only way that a murder (made to look like a hoax) could work, is if the family was in on the murder plot—whether for money, or their own lives were threatened, or because they all hated him and wanted him dead, or something.  I’m not trying to say that any of these things are true; but we are turning every stone, so to speak.

It is quite unlikely that even one family member would want MJ dead, much less the entire family.  It is also unlikely that any family member could be bought with money to help in a murder plot; and again, certainly not the entire family.  The threat of death is no doubt a stronger motivation than money; but true love is stronger than death—so if there’s even one family member that truly loves MJ, then the whole family could not be in on a murder plot.

Yet another problem is that we have Jermaine and others saying that they know all about it, and they are going to spill the beans.  So I guess the huge, long-term, and very complicated plot to murder MJ and make it look like a hoax—it didn’t work!  And they had to be planning it for many years: including the will dated 7-7-02, and the 1998 autographs (somehow they convinced or forced MJ to do this).  All that ingenuity, and it failed!

Yet another problem is the many indications not only of the hoax, but also of the return and bam.  Wouldn’t it be better to make it look like a hoax with no return, so that the hoax believers would not be expecting to see MJ again (then they could believe the hoax for decades, and not wonder what happened to MJ)?  In fact, wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier to murder MJ with an entirely different plan—having nothing to do with a death hoax?  They could make it look like an accident (car or airplane), or maybe a suicide; perhaps a “crazy” person could just shoot him (Lennon), etc.

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4-33. Does the NWO Promote the End of the World?

Clearly, the 911 call at 12:21 fits very well with the planned timing.  So if it was really planned murder, and not a planned hoax: then the NWO conspiracy team decided to promote the end of the world concept, as part of the plan.  Now it is quite understandable that MJ himself, who believes the Bible and knows it very well, it is easy to accept that he would want to warn about the end of the world.

But why would NWO murderers do that?  They don’t believe in the end of the world soon, or ever for that matter; they don’t care about warning people to get ready, and they have no reason to promote such a message.  If they thought that the current world would soon be destroyed, then they would not spend all the money and energy trying to set up their own world order!

Another point is that it’s very unlikely for NWO murderers to understand the Bible well enough to know about inclusive reckoning, and come up with the plan for 77 days and 7 days to 9-9-09 (inclusive).  And MJ has not used inclusive reckoning publicly in the past; so they couldn’t merely watch how he operates, and then mimic him to make it look like he was behind the timing.

Last but not least: God would not cooperate in a NWO plot to murder MJ, and make it look like a hoax.  But on 3-6-09 (immediately after the O2 press conference) God did step in and reverse the NWO plot to destroy the economy; with a low of 666, the fastest six-month rally in history started on 3-9-09 (and six months later was 9-9-09).

Although God would not be involved in a murder plot, it is quite likely that God would help in a plan to warn about the end of the world, to expose the NWO conspiracy, and to turn the NWO upside down (666 pyramid to 999).  “The LORD ... relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.” (Psalm 146:9; see Isaiah 24:1; Acts 17:6).

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4-34. Is TIAI Part of a Murder Conspiracy?

This question has been asked {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}; and there is nothing wrong with asking the question.  We are all here to find out the truth about MJ; and if the truth is a huge murder plot, we all want to know it.

Even if MJ was murdered, that would not necessarily mean TIAI is part of a plot to cover it up.  However, we have just seen loads of evidence that the murder (made to look like a hoax) theory is totally unrealistic.  If nothing else, the family alone should prove that this theory doesn’t hold a drop of water.  And if MJ was not murdered, then TIAI could not be part of a conspiracy to cover-up murder.

Furthermore, TIAI has worked hard to expose the NWO conspiracies and murders, etc {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  So how’s that for a mind-warping theory: TIAI is part of a plan to hide the murderers—by exposing the murderers!

Nevertheless, if anyone still thinks that the murder theory is a realistic possibility, then please investigate it.  I’m not trying to silence investigation about murder, or anything else.  The truth has nothing to lose by close examination: the “truth will prevail”!

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4-35. TIAI Appeal to TINI Followers

For those who now recognize that the murder theory doesn’t hold any water: perhaps it’s time to stop looking for clues in every car that drives by, and every cloud in the sky.  Yes, we should still be watching for any major developments; especially things that would help to convince non-believers.  But the little clues are not needed anymore; they won’t help non-believers, and we don’t need them because we have plenty of evidence already.

So let’s start spending more time trying to reach ourselves and others with MJ’s message.  I know that many have already tried to convince others, with little success; but the evidence is continually getting stronger (piece by piece, MJ is revealed).

Although there are many different ways to do this: one way is by going to (non-hoax) forums, and asking them to read this {Update #4, You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  If they are willing to read this, and still remain unconvinced, then probably nothing in the universe will convince them—at least not before bamsday.  In fact, some won’t be convinced even after bamsday!  Yes, they will say that it is a double; and the family knows it’s not the real MJ, but they are silenced by threats from those who murdered MJ.

To all those supporting the campaign at You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (TINI): hoax believers and You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (TIAI) have read your website, and understand your position.  Have you read our material?  Are you aware of the very strong evidence which goes against your position?  Do you realize that you might be working against MJ and his message, even though no doubt your motives are to defend MJ?  Please be informed, and don’t oppose our position without carefully examining it—that is what true investigation is all about.

As far as the reports about MJ’s failing health: we believe that this was an act, and all part of the plan to make it look like he died.  MJ’s own brother said: “Michael was very, very healthy. He had passed a physicals for the show. ... He was very, very healthy ...” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  And MJ’s own physical trainer, Incredible Hulk star Lou Ferrigno, said three times in a row: “He was in great shape” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  We believe that these sources are as reliable as you can get.

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4-36. Hoax Objections Answered

Those who believe in the intentional murder theory, as well as those who believe the official story, have often given one or more of the following reasons against the hoax: there would be way too many people “in on it” (so surely someone would’ve let the cat out of the bag by now); or, many of the things that have happened would be illegal, if it was a hoax; or, the government would not be in on a plan to expose corruption in the government, etc.

First and most important: the intentional murder theory (designed to look like a fake death) would require as much or more people to be “in on it”, than the hoax theory (it even requires the family to be involved).  And if it’s possible to get people involved in murder, for whatever reason (money, or power, or whatever): don’t you think it would be even easier to get people involved in a hoax?

Besides, the entire state of California is not in on the hoax.  MJ has been planning this hoax for many years; and he had the time and influence to get a few key people in the right positions to pull it off—and yes, even government agencies still have some good people in them.  Look at history: many times people in high positions have stood up against the corruption in their own system (government, or church, etc).

But MJ did not involve large quantities of people.  In fact, the “three-way theory” is basically correct {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}; this theory states that the fewer people “in on it”, the better (although more than three are actually involved, and the “three-way theory” does allow for more than three).

Also, as far as possible, legal loopholes were used.  Nevertheless, with a hoax of this magnitude and importance: whether the line was ever crossed, between being inside or outside of legal loopholes, is a question that probably doesn’t even need to be answered.

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4-37. Hints on the “How’s” of the Hoax

In this update, I have gone into great detail about the timing of the hoax (as well as a few other aspects).  Previously, I have gone into great detail about the reasons for the hoax {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  That leaves only one frontier remaining: how did MJ succeed in pulling off this massive hoax?

I’m not going to go into great detail on that now, it would be very long—and this update is already the longest update by far.  But I will give some hints, to help you go in the right direction if you want to investigate it further.

For starters, maybe it is time to create a sub-forum for Coherent Theories.  By this, I mean theories that start putting all the pieces together, fitting into one bigger picture.  But we can’t have MJ hopping on a plane at LAX, escaping out of a tunnel in the basement of UCLA, and riding alive in the helicopter to the coroner’s office, as well as in the other helicopter—all at the same time.  This would not qualify as a coherent theory.

I think we already have a huge clue from Jermaine, telling us that MJ went to the “airport”—NOT the hospital.  And in fact, it would’ve been very risky and unnecessary for him to ride alive in the ambulance to UCLA, and then go into UCLA where he could be easily recognized (and hard to play dead), and then try to escape somehow.  What would be the point?

Based on the planned timing of the hoax, we should now be able to see very plainly that the living MJ body double theory doesn’t work.  There is no chance that a living double just happened to die on the right year, the right day, and the right hour.

This leaves us with three possibilities.  There was no body at all, which would require quite a few people to be “in on it”.  There was a dummy, not a real human; this reduces the number of people “in on it”, and also makes it easy to duplicate the looks of MJ (but paramedics would need to be “in on it”, because they would not be fooled by a dummy).  Or there was a real human corpse, which had recently died.  In fact, at different times and places, there could’ve been more than one corpse and/or dummy used as needed.

Considering the corpse possibility: do you remember anything about the room being heated extra warm—in the summer of all times {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}?  Maybe the room was heated to make the corpse feel warm, like it had just died.  And do you remember the paramedics saying that MJ had been dead for more than an hour before they arrived—and also that they did not realize it was MJ, and thought it looked like an old man?  {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

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4-38. Only a Few Would Need to Be “In On It”

Let me also clue you in on a few tricks, so that only a relatively few people would need to be “in on it”.  The endlessly discussed helicopter ride to the coroner: it could’ve had a living and/or a dead body in it, but not MJ; and yet none of the people in the copter, or working that situation, would’ve had any clue that MJ was alive.

All you would need to do is create a diversion for the media and public: the helicopter and all would be a big show for the media, while they transport the (supposedly) “real” MJ’s body in an unmarked vehicle—this would keep MJ’s body safer.  And all the people “involved” in that diversion operation would play right along, and obey without question like good little boys and girls, thinking all the while that MJ’s dead body was being transported in some unmarked vehicle (and not even questioning whether or not MJ was actually dead).  And even if they suspected later that MJ is alive, how would they know?  They would not know, they would just suspect it (like hoax believers).

The fact that it’s a criminal case is another good alibi for secrecy and cover-up; this way, nobody thinks twice when they’re told not to talk about what they did or did not see at UCLA on June 25 (or other times and places).

Some have said that Forest Lawn (FL) would need to be in on the hoax; and maybe they are, but maybe not.  If there was an actual dead body used during at least some of the process: then a dead body could’ve been at FL, even though it was not MJ.  And sooner or later, the family could say: “We’ve decided to bury MJ somewhere else; but for privacy and security reasons, we want the public to think that he is buried here.”

They might even have FL sign confidentiality agreements, promising not to let anyone know that MJ was not buried at FL.  Of course FL would still get paid, because the family did purchase space there {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}; and since FL got their money, they would not care where MJ was actually buried, and that would be the end of it—FL might never imagine that MJ is still alive.

Do I need to give any more hints?  I think I’ve said enough already.  Besides, you want some surprises left for after Bamsday, don’t you?

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4-39. Piece by Piece Return, Versus Bamsday

If you search through TIAI Revealed, Parts 1-9; and also TIAI Updates, #1 - #3, you will find that I repeatedly used the word “return”, but only used the word “bam” about six times—and when I did use “bam”, I was merely referring generally to the statement at the end of TII (but not discussing the meaning of “bam”, when or what it is about, etc).  Also, I never once use the term “bamsday” (not until this update).

Since this update is about timing, the time has come for me to discuss the “bam”; and also the differences between the “return” and the “bam”.  The “return” is a process, which can be short or long, depending on several factors; regardless of whether or not the return is short, the “bam” is very abrupt—and marks the end of the return process.  The fact that “bam” is abrupt should be obvious—based on the word itself, based on MJ’s usage of the word in context, and based on the audio and visual imagery that is very abrupt on Jack5ons “coming soon” website {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

The return, on the other hand, is not necessarily abrupt.  There are a few things in TII which indicate that the return might not be abrupt.  During Light Man, it says: “... and piece by piece by piece by piece [return process], MJ is revealed, until he jumps out [bam!], and on Michael’s command, we begin.” {TII DVD, Main Movie, text from subtitle; at 3:43}

In Staging the Return (as well as in the main movie), you can see a little of MJ before he comes out of the spider.  “Then Michael was gonna come out and be revealed underneath the black widow.” {TII DVD, Staging the Return, The Adventure Begins, text from subtitle; at 19:50}.

And the bam statement itself is very clear: “Let me bathe in my own time when I come back in. I’m gonna button my shirt or jacket or whatever it is. I’m gonna look around a little bit, play with them.  Snap my fingers maybe, then bam!” {TII DVD, Main Movie, text from subtitle; at 1:49:45}

Do you feel like MJ has been “playing with them” recently?  If so, it means we are in the return process.  You see, the return is when things go beyond just clues for hoax believers; it is when the public sees things that just don’t add up with the official story.  Since MJ is in control: he could have several pieces revealed all in one day; or he could slow the process down, and do it over a longer period of time (until people start getting it)—in either case, the return would end with the bam (the final and ultimate revelation that MJ is alive).

Has a gradual return processes started?  We may not all agree exactly when, but I think we can agree that many such things have happened in the last month or two: no RIP at the Grammy’s; Jermaine’s “airport” slip-up; Brian Oxman saying 99.9% the ambulance photo is fake; tabloid magazine publishing that MJ is alive, because the autopsy report doesn’t add up; and TMZ publishing MJHD.net website right there on their front page!

Yes, these and other things in the last month or two are more than just clues for hoax believers; they are all things which could easily cause the public to start questioning the MJ death.  And keep watching for more such events; we should see them coming more and more, now that we are in the return process {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

But if you go back before January, things like these were rare if ever, because we were not in the return phase yet until January.  In fact, the JACK5ONS tweet on January 18: “ur eyes don't lie - media does”—this was obviously referring to the circumstances around MJ’s death; so that should’ve caused some of the public (non-hoax believers) to question the official media story.  And in fact, this was the first time any of the Jacksons had referred to the hoax publicly {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; see also You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  What better time to mark the beginning of the return, than the Jacksons first public reference to the hoax?

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4-40. High Probability of MJ “Return” in January 2010

And when did I say that the return would probably happen?  In the month January, and specifically maybe even January 18 {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  Did you think that I meant the end of the return would be in January, the bamsday?  I never mentioned bamsday in that update (or at any time before Update #4); yet my usage of “return” has often referred to the end of the return (the bam).  And certainly if MJ wanted, he could’ve both started and completed the return in January.

You see, in January MJ had to decide whether to end the hoax at that time (bamsday), or continue into the court case with Murray.  The fact that the court process has started, should actually show us that things are going reasonably well; if not, MJ would’ve pulled the plug on it by now.  And at any time, he could say: “okay everybody, that’s a wrap!”  But if not, we should be prepared to wait out the court process (see 4-42, below).

By the way: I never said that the NWO/illuminati subject (TIAI message) was the only reason why MJ did not return back at Halloween.  It should be noted, however, that nothing significant happened between the TII release around Halloween, and the January return process beginning—nothing except of course the TIAI redirects, and TIAI Revealed.  Once that happened, then the return process began in January.

Oh, and one more thing: TMZ has been using the word “return” in their articles recently.  On February 7, they had an article titled: “Plotting Return to Golf” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; see also You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  On March 3, they had an article “The Return of Jaafar Jackson” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  And on March 5, the anniversary of the London press conference, they had this: “Returning to the StageConan O'Brien is coming back ...” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

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4-41. Bam: Not If, But When

Some were troubled by the redirect to a YouTube video, titled “Michael Jackson death hoax: What is his message?” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; and see this thread
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}  Please remember first of all, that the redirects point to information already out there on the internet; the information is not created by TIAI, so there may be a few minor things included that are not the reason for the redirect.

This redirect was intended to emphasize the need for us all to have more LOVE in our lives—not just a word, not just a four-letter acronym (L.O.V.E.), but the real thing.  This redirect was done in the context of Valentine’s Day (though about a week later); and the purpose again was to emphasize LOVE, not to minimize the importance of the return and bamsday.  Nothing in that video said bamsday would never come, or that bamsday is pointless and unnecessary.

The video indicated that maybe our lack of LOVE could delay MJ; and if so, emphasizing the LOVE message would not delay the bam or make it less important—rather, it would help speed it up, which we all want because the bam is important!

And speaking of bamsday, notice that bam statement once again: “I’m gonna look around a little bit, play with them.  Snap my fingers maybe, then bam!”  Especially in a musical context like this, “snap my fingers” can only be referring to timing!  Can you think of anything that has happened recently, about the hoax timing???  Then the next thing in that statement, after snapping his fingers, is the bam!

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4-42. Guilty Until Acquitted, Still Guilty After Acquitted

So much for “innocent until proven guilty”; Conrad Murray is being charged as an intentional murderer, not by the court but by the public!  Yes, the Jackson family is talking more and more about murder; but this is part of the plan.  And even if the court charged him with murder, the public should not consider him guilty yet; he would only be a murder suspect—until he has had a fair trial, and also been convicted.

But if he goes to trail, and is acquitted, what are the chances that the media and public are going to accept it?  Much like MJ himself, no doubt Murray will still be condemned in the eyes of the public.  In fact, MJ may save the bam until this happens—just to show the public that they did not treat Murray as innocent until proven guilty.  Remember in V for Vendetta: V was fighting for the freedom of the citizens in general; but he was also fighting for his own personal Vendetta.

Also keep in mind the simple fact that if the hoax has continued this far, it’s has to be much more than just a joke.  MJ is a prankster, yes; but it has gone way beyond that.  There must be some very serious reasons for this hoax (which is what TIAI has said all along).

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4-43. For Those Losing Faith: the Trial Is Not Over Yet

In TIAI Update #2, I wrote the following: “If the doctor goes to trial, and is found not guilty: again, watch the family.  If they make an uproar (which they are certainly capable of doing, with all the publicity that they get)—and show truths about a murder plot, then MJ is really dead.  But if they act nearly the same as at the memorial and funeral, then MJ is alive.”

In spite of the fact that the court case is not over yet: still some people have been losing faith over the autopsy report, or the court case itself, or DR at FL, etc.  But it’s not time to lose faith yet, whatever happens.

In the interview with the “airport” slip-up, Jermaine said: “... it’s all gonna come out. It’s all gonna unfold.” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  So this is what we need to be waiting for; and giving up before that time is premature.  “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” (Matthew 14:31).

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4-44. Do You Still Need Even More Evidence???????-??

For those who need even more evidence—either that MJ is alive, and/or that TIAI has valid information—probably no amount of evidence would ever convince you; at least not before bamsday, and maybe not even after bamsday (you will say it’s not really MJ, it is a double).

I’m not ready yet to say how/where I got my information; that may not happen until after bamsday.  But I did give some significant indicators in this update, for those who picked up on it.

And for the video-makers in YouTube land: it would be good to put together videos about the timing of the hoax—not necessarily as detailed as this update, but enough detail to show clearly that the timing was planned (and maybe a link to this update, for those who want more detail).

Last but certainly not least: a huge thank-you to Souza and Mo for your hard work in providing this forum, and also your own research.  Don’t worry about the fact that people criticize you for not being MJ fans.  You are doing for MJ what millions of MJ fans are not doing.  There are millions of MJ fans in the world—yes, maybe even billions.  But he himself said: “I’ve met a lot of people in my life.  And very few are real, real, real friends—could probably count them on one hand.” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}  Before this is all over, hopefully Michael will need more than one hand to count his real, real, real friends.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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More and more MJ fans are now thinking maybe MJ was murdered (including former hoax believers);
haha they were never believers  ;)

Remember in V for Vendetta: V was fighting for the freedom of the citizens in general; but he was also fighting for his own personal Vendetta.
exactly!  :mrgreen:

Don’t worry about the fact that people criticize you for not being MJ fans. You are doing for MJ what millions of MJ fans are not doing. ui

thank you, TS!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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  • Guest
Remember in V for Vendetta: V was fighting for the freedom of the citizens in general; but he was also fighting for his own personal Vendetta.

Don’t worry about the fact that people criticize you for not being MJ fans. You are doing for MJ what millions of MJ fans are not doing.

THANK YOU TS!!!!!!  :D
And THANK YOU Mo and Souza!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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  • Guest
Thank you TS, really!!!!!

Brilliant as always... :lol:

& Thanks to Mo & Souza !

And believers...Keep the faith!
Love you all
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Thank you so much ts .. <3
Do I need to give any more hints? I think I’ve said enough already. Besides, you want some surprises left for after Bamsday, don’t you?

Hints ? I didn't get hints, I got ANSWERS !!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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I love you more <3
"I just want to say to fans in every corner of the earth, every nationality, every race, every language]



Thanks again, TS ;)
You just gave substance to my thoughts: I thought about the whole thing so many times, countless..and I came to the conclusion it  couldn't be a murder, it doesn't add up.
I've always thought MJ involved few people in the hoax, just like you said: it does make sense, there'd be no reason to involve a lot of people with the risk of being exposed. ;) I agree with you when you say we should stop looking for clues in small things and we should focus on major hints. I find sometimes ludicrous looking for hints in EVERY thing concerning the Jacskons family, fellow artists, etc etc...
I remember in one of your previous update you said: if Murray goes on trial, look for family reaction. At the time it made me think "So Murray will go on trial..." and that's what happened. If Michael decided to go through that there must be good reasons, and probably one of the reason is we should learn not to condemn someone without evidence. It happened to him before.
Do not judge a man if you haven't walked a mile in his shoes.
Thanks again ;)
And thanks to Souza & Mo, you are amazing! I knew that from the very beginning! Love ya girls! :D
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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you are my life

speechless, that\'s how you make me feel

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas



I appreciate another interesting update.  The diversion theory in 4-38 brought out points I had not thought of that make the hoax seem actually less complicated.  And yes, your indicators of sources caught my eye.  Thanks for explaining in detail the return process.  This thing is heating up.  From simmer to full boil is imminent.  And to be counted a "real friend" of Michael would indeed be an honor.  "A friend loveth at all times". (Prov.17:17)
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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  • Guest
Thank you TS for your excellent and detailed explanation, and your kind words.  We will never give up fighting for Mike and we will keep defending him to the bone, no matter what happens or what people say about us.  We have chosen to walk this path, and we will keep on walking it.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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WOW--TS i could never really THANK YOU as much as i could ever meant to...i'm lost for words over your hard work and dedication to what Mike has been planning for soo many years..You are amazing...your updates keep people going and that's very important cause we have reached a phaze in which unfortunately many hoax-believers seem to lose faith...  
i can't possibly describe the great importance of your work
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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\'\' Don’t judge a person unless you have spoken to them one on one, ’cause what you hear is a lie…
Crazy stories that people have created. I want to set the record straight that if people hear a lie long enough, people believe it.\'\' Michael Jackson


Thank you so much Ts.

Thanks Mo, thanks Souza, I'm proud to be here  :P
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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I am like a lion. Nothing can hurt me. No one can harm me.

like all..... thank you very much TS for your hard work... your writting skill shows your intellagence!!  ;)

if you could... plz pass my regards to MJ and tell him (Badria from OMAN (MUSCAT) says salam alaikom dear MJ!.. waiting for your second visit!  :D )

again and again.. thank you!    God bless you...
Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 12:27:46 PM by badria
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Thank you TS for your excellent work....I appreciate another interesting update!

I agree with you when you say we should stop looking for clues in small things... and we should focus on major hints.... :!:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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I'm Alive, I'm Live, I'm A Lie...



Thank you again TS. Whatever happens, whoever attacks us, we will indeed keep walking.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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TS thank you so much.
Thank you Mo & Souza.
Ottimo lavoro, grazie ancora per tutto.
Sono veramente felice di essere in grado di camminare con tutti voi.

Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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I have not enough words to thank you TS. :)

I think that the people that have come so far with REAL faith that MJ is alive , they don't need any more proofs.
How can someone would had come this far and still have doubts ?
We choose this way against the media and public "truth" , we choose to be the crazy or fanatics ones , we choose to face all the mockery and laughs at our faces.
BUT we also choose to fight for justice in this world and justice for Michael .
So -at least as I'm concerned- I'll fight till the end , no matter what.

May God be on his side. God bless him and the whole world.
Also a great, great thanks to you Souza and Mo. :)
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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